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2.2.4  COMPARISON - TRUE - SEARCH or "the Steps and Flights" of the "Cognition Staircase"

     New stage of aggregating the Problems we touched lies in building the integral model of the sensual interlinks of the FUNDAMENTAL CHAINS in Philosophical Knowledges. To understand reasonably the Unity of the Words and their Sensual Meanings involved into this Model we shall introduce the definition of "ZERO-PRINCIPLE", previously unknown.

" "ZERO"-PRINCIPLE"- philosophically complex system of consistent mutual activities of human ideas and activities throughout the exploration of Objects being under the process of cognition based upon multi-type organization of the Reflectory capabilities of the Human memory." /Author/

     We have multiply referred to the  "four-flight" flow of the Cognition process. Now it is time to return to it again:  (See Fig. 5)

1) Materializing and Idealizing Approach undertaken by the Philosophy;
2) Informative and Energetic Approach undertaken by the Mathematics;
3) Physical and Chemical Approach undertaken by Natural Sciences;
4) Psychological and Biological Approach undertaken by Humanitarian Sciences.

     Since all these "flights" are not perfect in their integrity knowledge systems of the Nature being only the developing ways of general process of Cognition they cannot be defined as something similar to a completed   Model which we describe by means of an idealized PRACTICE - EXPERIMENT - THEORY - HYPOTHESIS - FACT chain. Without prejudice to this fact "they" define the consistent evolutionary stages of Knowledge development in the area of intelligent understanding of the Objects being processes by means of Cognition resources. These processes are extremely dynamical therefore from the Data obtained by means of the enlisted branches of Science people are forming and producing intermediatory Models of practical, experimental, theoretical, hypothetical and actual appliance within each of the above "flights". In other words, any branch of science possesses and operates its own practices, hypothesis, theories, experiments and facts.
     Let us split the mutually facilitated "Couples" of the enlisted approaches in compliance with prevailing directions of their activities' scope of influence: (See Fig. 6)

     1) into Sciences with Synthesizing dominating orientation of their application, i.e. using to larger extent Idealistic, Informatic, Chemical and Psychological methods of obtaining new Knowledges;
     2) and into those with prevailing Analysis-oriented activities, i.e. applying Materialistic, Energetic, Physical and Biological methods of obtaining same Knowledges about the Object under research.

     In view of the above conclusions can be drawn, as follows:

PREVAILING CHARACTERS of the Analysis and Synthesis processes
govern the movements of the probing minds of explorers towards the True!

     Where is the essence of PRIORITY of these World-Wide Processes? On what the PRIORITY PRINCIPLE IS BASED? The second question is the first to be dealt with.
     In Genetics there are definitions of Dominating (suppressing) and Recessive (retreating) features af any Organism within living Nature. On this basis two regulations governing the hereditary transfer of Its properties are explained.

     1. In the first generation the heritage is apparently expressed in the Dominating features with possible Recessivity being hidden inside the apparent display of the form or shape.
     2. In the second generation of the posterity originating from the starting genetic material the Dominant shows itself in 3 to 1 correlation, i.e. three kinds with bright expression of the "Suppressing" features and one with apparent display of that "Retreating". This principle works provided the clearly defined unique original features observed with parents which is referred to as "monohybridity".

     As regards our case of sensual mutual activities of the previously described Cognition "chains", the defining features of the initial Combinations of words are the bihybridity (mongrelity) of their "parental" components, i.e. coupled "parental" features. They cause the resulting dual "plexus" of the Definitions sensual fields using for ZERO-PRINCIPLE formation.  Organization of the Categories being in use is made by means of allocation of the Definition Recession which determines the common criteria to combine Words usable with either of the philosophical cognition "chains". Here the joint usage of "sensual fields" within these "chains" will be determined by Domination of the major stage within the relevant "flight" with suppression of any other "flights" features capable to unite various stages of fragmentarily selected "step" within a particular "flight". Such a Domination at either of the four Cognition levels becomes Recessive in relation to the new Dominant defined by a more organized character of reflexes operated within the explorers' memory.
     Such an interpretation without visual support by means of abstract model is practically doomed to remain unappreciated since such level of summarizing is out of human habits and supernew for many. Therefore we shall take an attempt to approach the explanation from the position of illustrated expression of the ZERO-PRINCIPLE sensual charge. (See Fig. 9). Suppose, as a start that the Cognition passes, on the one side,  through four prevailing analytical stages from "pure Practice" to "pure Fact", i.e. from "biological" capabilities of our Organism to the possibilities of its "physical" application with further gradation from the interactions of our perception within the surrounding fields ("energetic") to getting assured in "materiality" of the Object under exploration in relation to our Mind. However, at these stages the "economics of life" (in particular - Medicine) dominate at the first stage; natural sciences (Physics and Chemistry) dominate at the second stage, Informatics and Energoentropics prevail at the third stage and Philosophy and Religion become the leaders at the fourth stage, respectively. Each of these branches of the integral Cognition Tree are quite able to penetrate into other enlisted branches of science to either support or destroy the integrity and genuineness of the entire System of their respective Knowledges. And it only means that at a certain of the four stages of cognition at the certain moment of advance of the research process the Dominating (suppressing) or Recession (diversion) features begin their activities within the intermediate Cognition Models which are caused by varying scientific approaches of the other three stages of general research process.
     Thus the cooperation of various sciences in cognition takes place generating new Knowledge about an Object presenting current interest. The Order of such interlinks is accompanied by certain Dominating features:

- the transfer from pure Practical data to pure Experimental data bears Psycho-biological features of the explored Object display within our Mind
- transfer from pure Experiment to pure Theory bears Physical and Chemical features;
- transfer from pure Theory to pure Hypothesis  bears Informative and Energetic features;
- transfer from pure Hypothesis to pure Fact bears Materialistic and Idealized features.

     All these features possess Dominating value within the "stripe areas" of the transfer determined by them. They possess their own circulating chains from practice to fact and in reversal order where their own transfers are already respectively stipulated by other dominating and recessive features. But these step-like features play a minor in importance part relatively to the "flights" of the Cognition staircase which bring them together. (See Fig. 9)
     On the current stage of explanation of the ZERO-PRINCIPLE components we are dealing with a process, similar to genetic definition of dual cross-breeding. Its essence may be expressed, as follows: the primary perception of an Object becoming of one's interest is governed by Dominating Feature which describes the "strip-like area" of the applied Knowledge; during the secondary-internal perception (second stage of words processing) of the same Object a vast number of Data appears where the displaying Dominating and Recessive features combine in digital proportions of 9:3:3:1.

1. Nine versions possess with the clear display of the first dominating feature of the Knowledge stage
    outlined by the explorer.
2. Three versions possess the second dominating feature.
3. Three versions possess the first recessive feature.
4. And only one possesses with a complete set of recessive features.

     1. From Nine first impressions only One process possesses a completely pure domination. The others remaining bear an inherent defect of recessivity (which, by the way create necessity for further explorations).
     Four from the first nine have a value4 of commonly accepted domination, i.e. are idealized for mass tutorial system. They create an imaginary (diagonal) surface between the knowledge and ignorance, between the obsolete and the new.
     Two others describe a clearly visible domination of the first feature and prominently expressed domination of the second but with conceived "defect" of the second recessivity.
     The remaining two are the mirror reflection of the former couple bearing the sound domination of the second feature and the defected first one. Here the PRIORITY principle for one recessivity over another and of one domination in front of another display in their total integrity.

     2. From the Three Hybrids determined by combination of the First Dominant with the Second Recessive features only one possesses a certain Recessivity purity and the remaining two bear the conceived defect of the First dominating feature.

     3. From the next Triad of the philosophical categorically-charged terms cross-breeding via the combination of illustratively expressed Recessivity of the first feature and Dominant Second feature only one "hybrid" has a completely pure recessivity and the same shade of domination. The other two are "defected" by the second dominating feature.

     4. Complete package of the recessive features, elaborated by the starting attempt to understand the finalizing Fact of unknown Phenomenon gained by mental perception is only inherent to a single of possible combinations. It is this package which describes the meeting with completely unknown Object of Nature.

     In compliance with the displayed spatial model ZERO-PRINCIPLE is based on the four reflexes kinds of Social origin, three kinds of Conditional origin two kinds of Unconditional origin and one of Genetical origin. Each of the Reflexes consists of a closed cycle of Analysis and Synthesis processes respectively organized. The described model is formed by the Governing type of reflectory processing   experienced events of scientific research. This process gives an extended idea of the components within general reflexes structure. These components are represented in the form of vectors which construe six linked to each other edges of the cubical ZERO-PRINCIPLE. It is worthy to note that two randomly contacting vectors describe common orientation of the "facial" approach to the subject of researches. (See Fig. 9)

These  "FACES" are also six in number:

1. The "Face" of prevailing pure analysis facilitates the organization and application of the sensual variety of the term LINK by means of its sensual fields' cross-breeding with the meanings of Measures, Features, Correlations and Conditions of emergence of the explored Objects.

2. The "Face" of pure analysis defines the advance of the explorers' ideas from Biological understanding of the essence of the cognition Object via Physical and Energetic approaches undertaken by the scientists to reach Materialistic understanding of the objective information about the Phenomenon being explored.

3. The "Face" of prevailing pure analysis encompasses the structure of "combat actions" within the entire research process, which is represented by the cross links with sensual charges of another chain of philosophical categories of Operation, Position, Tactics and Strategy to be regarded jointly with the sense of the term COGNITION.

4. The "Face" of prevailing pure Synthesis enables to define and to generate Knowledge by means of application of the "newborn" expressions of the SENSE of the researchable Phenomena which are developed when the SENSE is cross-bred with philosophical chain of understanding Definitions, Categories, Principles and Methods of these processes' existence.

5. The "Face" of pure synthesis assists in creating a new organization of the explorable Object imagination by means of combinatory movement of the ideas from Idealizing of non-understood priority of the Phenomena via Informative and Chemistry scientific approaches to the Psychological efficiency or negative effects of the Cognition results.

6. The "Face" of dominating pure synthesis create popularised interpretation of the levels of discovery by means of defining sensual evolution of the PHENOMENON term, the depths of knowledge about which are fixed in interlinked plexus of Necessity, Form, Content and Essence of the explored Object.

     Vital activities of the Human and any other Organism base upon REFLEXES. Without their balanced formation Life in the Nature is impossible! So, an "old" formula: " ANALYSIS + SYNTHESIS = REFLEX !"
     We shall try to explain "New" peculiarities of human Reflexes by means of  "temporarial" characteristics of their work These "shades" of analytical and synthesizing Links are, as below:

1) CONSTANT links (are transferred hereditably, work on 24 hours basis throughout the lifetime of an Organism);
PROGRAMMED links (are formed under the influence of situations and circumstances associated with vital activity);
PERIODICAL links (are organized under the impacts of natural processes governed by periodically repeated impact of habitation Environment). (See Fig. 9)

     If we represent these Reflexes' characteristics in cubistic shape, we shall have three consistently conjugated "vectors" of Analysis and three "vectors" of Synthesis of identical configuration. In the commonly enclosed condition these "vectorised" processes form two asymmetrical triads which in total gives the visual spacious model of the Reflex construction. Thus the analytical and synthesizing cooperation of the INTERTYPE links within general model of memory in organism is accompanied with the CONSTANT character of the naturally perceptible flow of time. And the INTERNAL links of Reflectory processes of analysis and synthesis within a particular TYPE are charged with the values of PROGRAMMED and PERIODICAL characters of their work.
     Taking into account new aspects of Reflectorial function we shall try to deploy the sensual content of the above provisions in the improved version. Getting started from the processes of Synthesizing and Analysing nature of the first Face of the KNOWLEDGES INCUBATOR which defines the multi-degree organization of the sensual charge hidden within the global category of the LINK. (See Fig. 9)


     Notwithstanding to the fact that "vecrorised determinants" of the cognising thoughts movement are to some extent described already, it is worthy to note that the imaginations gained about the dynamical Functions of the ZERO-PRINCIPLE model don't give a clear sensation or real working of the "discoveries incubator" being under description. An unusual application of the UNITY of the common subdivision of time into the PAST, the PRESENT and the FUTURE and the principles of Dominating and Recessive features applied within the definition model will provide a certain help to find a solution to this problem. This approach will become a magic clue to the proposed ZERO-PRINCIPLE System.
     Initial directions taken by the processes of Data about Cognition Environment CONSUMPTION and PRODUCTION are shown in the figures depicting the abstract model quite clearly. But taking a more detailed consideration one faces difficulties to observe their "internal" flow. They lie in efforts to overcome the uncertainty of the temporal correlation between the KNOWN and the UNKNOWN which may be found in the OLD and NEW Cognition models. Such a contradiction may be explained approaching from another angle the priority of dominant and recess application of these definitions.
     Suppose that the definitions of the KNOWN and UNKNOWN within the Consumption process possess the characteristics of the PAST and the FUTURE, while the definition of the OLD and NEW (linked to the same process) express the sensual priority of the PRESENT. It means that at the stage when the explorer's attention is being diverted from closest PAST determination to the closest FUTURE predicting, his thoughts will be focused at the PRESENT. The purpose of this provision is to provide the productivity of operative accumulation of the Information about the Object lying within our interests.
     The "temporal" characteristics of the knowledge PRODUCTION from the obtained Information process are displayed in another light. The OLD and the NEW get the PAST and the FUTURE values and those of KNOWN and UNKNOWN express the inherent shades of the PAST and FUTURE Information available at the PRESENT interval of time.
     Thus it comes out that the Data INPUT and OUTPUT processes are accompanied by both Consumption and Production of the Knowledges about the explored Phenomenon.


Past-present --> past-Present --> Present-future --> present-Future

PROCESS  (A or S):

||| ||| ||| |||
||| ||| ||| |||


past-Present  <--- Past-present <-- present-Future <-- Present-future 

     Whenever any external Environment impacts are CONSUMED the sense charge born within the terms of the  "UNKNOWN" and the "KNOWN is characterised as PREVAILING FUTURE and PAST in the integrally determined data processing, and the terms of "old" and "new" bear a sensual charge of   minor prevailing of the PAST and the FUTURE linked with momentary PRESENT with the latter determining the Cognition concentration. (See Fig. 9)
     With PRODUCTION the situation is reversal: the "OLD" and the  "NEW" gain PREVAILING values for clearly outlined characteristics of the Past and the Future and the   "KNOWN" and "UNKNOWN"  gain the values of minor prevailing of the PAST and minor prevailing of the FUTURE in relation the the PRESENT moment of creating symbolic Knowledge expressions.

     Thinking over the source of human thoughts it is rather easy to verify that any thought within the Mind having something to do with Cognition of something originates from a certain known event. Then with the search of historic analogues or similarities a comparative "senility" of such event is established. The further process deals with searching for something "new" about the features of this event and all these "discoveries" finally lead to identification a relative uncertainty of the Phenomenon specified by the Mind. It may be therefore suggested that the random Analysis or Synthesis "vector" is always accompanied by a consistency of successing temporal qualities of the KNOWN - OLD - NEW - UNKNOWN. So,

1. At the CONSUMPTION:     ANALYSIS (or SYNTHESIS) = { -> p.Pr. -> Pr.f. -> pr.F.} =
   = {Past-present -> past-Present -> Present-future -> present-Future }

Это означает что ход любого процесса следует по пути от некогда "Прошлых" событий для "настоящего" к "Настоящим" событиям недавнего "прошлого",  далее через "Настоящие" события ближайшего "будущего" к "Будущим" событиям "настоящего" момента данного процесса Познания. Здесь большими буквами отмечены слова, определяющие понятийную доминантность их смыслового применения; а малыми - означена смысловая рецессивность понятийных нагрузок этих же слов-определителей моментальности временного хода Исследований.

       It means that the advance of any process takes a way from formerly "Past" events for the "present" to "Present" events of a recent "past" and further through the "Present" events of the closest "future" to the "Future" events of the "present" moment in Cognition process. Here capital letters identify the terms with dominating sensual application and the lowercase letters identify sensual recessivity of the same words determining the momentary nature of the temporal researching approaches. (See Fig. 9)

2. At the PRODUCTION:      ANALYSIS (or SYNTHESIS) = { p.Pr. -> -> pr.F. -> Pr.f.} =
    = { past-Present  -> Past-present -> present-Future -> Present-future 

Это в свою очередь означает, что ход познавальческих процессов раскручивается от "Настоящих" событий далекого "прошлого" и роли "Прошлых" событий в "настоящем", в сторону перехода к "Будущему" "настоящих" событий с дальнейшим выходом к "Настоящим" событиям в перспективном "будущем".  

     These, in their turn, mean that the Cognition processes are winding out from the "PRESENT" events of the far "Past" and the role played by the "PAST" events in the "Present" with further advance to the "FUTURE" of the "present events and further advance towards the "Present " events in the prospective "FUTURE" .   (See Fig. 9)

     We take a stop at the definition, as below: For random vector-processes of Analysis and Synthesis within the creating Reflex CONSUMPTION and PRODUCTION of any Data and Knowledge from the researchers' activity of human conscience there are four characteristics of integrated temporal approach to the studying of the relevant Object.


P.-pr. ---> p.-Pr. ---> Pr.-f. ---> pr.-F.

PROCESS  (A or S):

||| ||| ||| |||
KNOWN <->   OLD <-> NEW  <-> UNKNOWN
||| ||| ||| |||


p.-Pr.  <-- P.-pr. <--- pr.-F. <--- Pr.-f. 

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PRINCIPICS: Copyright (c) Author:  Andrew L. Gerashchenko, 1984 - 2005.
Copyright (c) Translation:  Sergey A. Kechkin,  2002 - 2005.
Reference to the Author's site is compulsory, if any part of this work is used.