In 1983, when we were engaged in the development of the medical devices for detection, diagnostics and treatment the human biologically active points (BAP), we have met a problem in comprehending the ancient-oriental systems of the acupuncture. The Harmony of the abstract modelling of the vitally necessary processes, which are taking in our organisms and, which was the most important, the theurapeutical of "their" old principles, has struck my modern-western mentality . That was how the enthusiasm driving towards the world outlook systems of the philosophical "All-embracing" was born. It appeared that there were a lot of them and 'laziness" has won. And as the cadets of NHEMC (Now this is Novorossiysk Government Marine Academy) used to say: "The Laziness is the engine of progress", therefore it was necessary to create my own system of the basic views on the World.
In May 1985, at the session held in the "Institute of Brain" (Moscow) this work received the countenancing CONCLUSION. IT was given by Oleg Adrianov (the corresponding member of the AMS (Academy of Medicine Sciences) of USSR) and by Lyudmila Kachalova (the candidate of biological sciences) .
The offered work consists of two complementary parts. Which one more important? That is up to the reader to decide. The reduced variant of its first part for now is presented. It is dedicated to the Principles questions of existence and development of the alive Organisms. With help of modelling the processes of Their evolutionary formation an attempt was taken to systematize the organization of the Human memory.
The second part of this work describes the philosophical judgement Principles of a surrounding world and systems of Its knowledging by the people.
During the research work there were soars, there were falls, but now has come the time to present the given work on the public review. How successfully it has turned out, You can judge by yourself!
The style of the offered work is complicated and multi-faced, but is accessible for the understanding, we hope. For the recognition of the main "ideas" in the described model, we used the appropriate designations by Color in the auxiliary figures and reduced inscriptions, which were executed by the help of the ancient-Egypt writing (omission of the vowels). The main complexity of the intelligent perception of the text consists in some "innovations" of the grammar application, wherefore by the standard rules of its using. But for the transfer of the discussed sense they are almost impossible. Further we describe them.
The words which written from capital letters mean the limiting-generalized understanding of the global polygamy of its semantic loading, and also in the purposes of preservation of a semantic continuity of the sentences the pronouns of the given words are written from the capital letters.
Wide use the multivalent of the versatile underlying ideas results the reader to the necessity to applicate the complete depth of historical semantic formation for each using word. The correctness of their expounding is defined by the translation of the foreign words. The attempt is done in such a way, to remove the undesirable influence of the settled distortions of the used Concepts.
The inverted commas are put in two cases: when we speak about "everyday understanding" of the used words, which suit favorably for the expression of the described idea or when we speak about the bright word combinations or definitions of the "classics", which became the "nominal" names of the determined processes.
That is all what concerns the grammatical innovative rules and at the end will say:
(c) Author: Andrew L. Gerashchenko, 1984 - 2005.
Copyright (c) Translation: Sergey A. Kechkin 2002-2005.
Reference to the Author's site is compulsory, if any part of this work is