"Step I" | "Step II" | "Step III"
Second Interface Operation:
1). Annual calculations are performed automatically and are based on the current time of the PC in operation.
2). If button "Daily" is pressed the diagrams are updated to 00:00 of the selected date.
3). If button "Now" is placed the location of vertical vane is automatically placed on the current PC clock time and seven basic rhythms activity percentage is calculated.
4). If button "Annual" is pressed the diagrams are resructured to 365 days of the specified year.
5). Date under estimation may be changed in two ways:
- Keyboard date input with prior mouse clicking on existing data;
- Dragging with "mouse" pointer the vertical vane in the upper diagrams window part, keeping left button active, to the desired position. Vane movement is accompanied by changes in the estimated date or time values. To make the transfer more precise You may use keyboard buttons with "left" and/or "right" arrows.
6). Obtaining consultations as to calculated 7 rhythms values is identical to the procedure under Interface 1.
7). Triple "smiles batch", located over the first three table columns automatically issues general status of the seven essential rhythms.
8). Horizontal vane, located at the right part of the graphics window helps to identify annual and daily time intervals matching the preset activity rate for all the seven rhythms. You shall only drag it with the "mouse" pointer keeping left button pressed, to the desirable location. Vane movement is accompanied with the percentage changes in the eighth column of the table. To make the transfer more precise You may use keyboard buttons with "up" and/or "down" arrows.
9). In Columns 6 and 10 of the Table date and time values are placed matching with activity percentage of the seven rhythms as preset with horizontal vane position.
10). Column 8 of the table displays identical "smiles" matching to the preset activity percentage. Striking on them You may obtain the advice for each essential rhythm matching the preset activity rate in percentage.
11). "Up" and "Down"arrows, located in the Columns 7 and 9, specify the growth or fall directions for the respective rhythms values with natural path of time relative to values displayed in Columns 6 and 10.
12). Single "smile", located over column 8 of the table indicated the risk degree of the rhythm values determined by the position of the horizontal vane.
13). You may pass to the third system interface pushing the coloured buttons of the end right table column.
14). "New Person" Button must be pressed to input data on the new applicant. The system will automatically place You to the "Step 1" interface with blank data input fields. Here new user date and time of birth data are to be specified, click on the "Date" button and then "Step 2" interface may be addressed pushing the coloured buttons respective to the seven essential rhythms. The interface will be corrected to match a newcomer .
Copyright © 2003 - 2005,
Working by A. Gerashchenko,
Programing by D. Zheleznyakov