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1.1.2 MEMORY LEVELS or Temporal "depths" of ITS Storage
D. Norman, American scientist, succeeded to prove using the experimental method that there was a link between the data storage temporal interval within human mind about the environmental impact and the volume of material under processing. On this provision basis three "depth levels" of memorizing were defined.
The First Level - "SENSORY" reflecting the immediate blueprints of the entire data on impacts, keeping rather precise and stable world pattern perceived by sensorial organs. Data storage term amounts to 0,1 - 0,5 sec.
The Third Level - "SHORT-TERM" keeping the direct display of events which took place within the sensorial level, i.e. the direct interpretation of this pattern. Data storage term lies within 0,5 sec. - a few hours.
The Fourth Level - "LONG-TERM" provides for multiple reproduction of the past experience, contributes to continuous data storage about the "patterns" of the outer world and organism's reaction. Storage term - lifetime. (See fig.1)
To our mind, to define the temporal DEPTHS of memory more completely, one more level of data impacts storage will not be an extra one to introduce.
The Second Level - "OPERATIVE", determining "sensorially" the most prominent (addressive) part of the data contained in the stored impacts providing thus for "inter-depths" links in the processes of Comparing the obtained information with that already available. IT construes the integral part within "short-term" memory with the term of addresses storage being the criteria to define its working activeness.
Now we shall describe the above with more details.
1. SENSORY level of memory represents the
integrity of multiple transformers for both external and internal effects produced within
the Organism, in other words - an activity system of Its perceiving organs. Small interval
within which the data kept within this memory "depth" is attributable for high
speed of chemical and physical reactions providing for data delivery form the outer
borders of body to its CNS (Central Nerve System), or, in yet other words, by high speed
and capability of the nerve (tissue) and humeral (liquid-based) channels responsible for
liaison with surrounding world. Despite such a "drawback" the SENSORY level
enables the Organism to maintain a continuous contact with the Outer Environment,
providing for efficient functioning of evolutionary-"authomatized" processes of
Its vital activities. (See fig.1)
2. Further processing of the affecting
material takes place within the SHORT-TERM memory "depth". Here on
the background of general massive of sensorial engraved Data its ADDRESSORY part is
selected by means of OPERATIVE response to the most outstanding
heterogeneities. It is THIS part of Data which initially determines and than periodically,
continuously or program-driven assists to "pack" data about the influences
causing the "interest". It is commonly known that a "Stimuli" is the
main facility to encourage directed activities among people and animals. Such a practical
allegation means that It possesses higher penetrating ability than the entire volume of
affecting information. Due to this property of stimulating signals the OPERATIVE Memory
System probes the "storages of LONG-TERM experience" verifying their contents in
comparison with the new input addressory parts of the SENSORY data massive. The
consequence of such a comparison is the feedback impact on the processes of highlighting
the stimulating and selective parts of the processed Material. It provides for continuous
adjusting the transitory and accumulating capabilities of the SHORT-TERM memory level. (See fig.1)
3. The LONG-TERM memory system
is in charge of the next level of storage. The Feature of interested impacts OPERATIVELY-caught
form SENSORY-spacious shallows and informatively concentrated within the SHORT-TERM depth
represents the input into its "profound". This Feature is based on informative
and energetical results of physical and chemical interactivities between the Past and the
Present Organism Memory. (See fig.1)
Let us proceed now to the secrets of STORAGE.
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(c) Author: Andrew L.
Gerashchenko, 1984 - 2005. |
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