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1.1.4 KINDS OF MEMORY or the Ways to establish and develop IT
During our schoolyards we got acquainted with an interesting definition of " the Reflex" - a regulated organism response to changes within internal and external environment implemented via central nerve system to handle the receptors' disturbances". Since the historic sense of this word comes to a REFLECTION which is inherited to all the Memory Types we shall consider the processes which compose IT. So, from the materialized and summarized point of view the REFLEX may be described, as follows:
"ANALYSIS (by the Organism) + SYNTHESIS (by the Organism) = (Its) REFLEX"
Accepting this "FORMULA" as a so far remained
unexplained scientifically "ideal" of the mostly aggregated knowledge about the
principles of building Memory, we may draw to a position that the Organism memory in its
"pure" sense is a storage of experienced (both by Its ancestors and by Itself)
REFLEXES and the other its components are nothing another than a "factory"
producing THEM!
To specify individually the processes of "pure Analysis" or
"pure Synthesis" for an individual integrated Organism is too difficult since
they act in different manner but taken totally compose a unified complex of complete
mutual dependence. The question of rationalized application of the evolutionary-formed
sequences where analyzing or synthesizing activities PREVAIL is too spacious and is
subject to separate consideration. Meanwhile we shall agree that the processes of effects
production generated from less organized Memory type to the Type with higher degree of its
organization will take the value of INTERNAL SYNTHESIS and the "feedback"
effects will be regarded as INTERNAL ANALYSIS.
Under such circumstances we shall receive
STRUCTURE of Human Memory. (See Fig. 2)
1). Reflexes kind acting between the MOTORIC and SENSORY Memory types is described by analysing and synthesizing link between "Movements" and "Emotions" emerging in the Organism. What we do when we feel heat? We immediately jerk our hand away and only after it examine it and start to find out why and how it had occurred. Without Movements it is impossible to feel what generates pain and what produces enjoyment. Certainly, the example is weak, but the situation is the same with "higher" Feelings: "one Acts as Feels, if frank in deeds".
2). Interactions in IMAGINARY and MOTORIC Memory types prove persuasively the examples with immediate movements to avoid an object flying towards us or demonstrative simulation of certain movements.
3). Next group defines link existing between "IMAGES" and "FEELINGS". Here it will be enough to remind a certain beautiful landscape which produces a rage of emotions which are the founders of an Emotional Memory type. "Feeling" is also able to generate "Images" associated with the process of storing into memory, which may be confirmed with nightmares or voluptuous dreams. (See Fig. 2)
4). Interactions between "LOGICS" and "MOTORICS" are displayed everywhere. For example, Human hands are the perfect manipulators from the mechanical point of view. Without their consistent actions it is impossible to master any skills of sovereign work and communication.
5). Reflectoric link between "LOGICS" and "FEELINGS" generates conditions for automatized adaptation to seasonal weather caprices and even to routine standards of social life. More and more we rely upon "voice of Logic" rather than "voice of Feelings". As a matter of fact this provision is exposed to the influences of prevailing "Logical" or "Emotional" conditions of existence and bringing up for Human beings, respectively.
6). Combinations of the LOGICAL and the IMAGINARY Memory characteristics are noticeable in the processes of strictly consistent chains construction with "picturesque patterns" of natural events and their back feed effect displayed when they are demonstrated by means of "cinema" or "animation" principles, e.g. the rotation of Earth around the Sun is accompanied by strictly continuous sequence of changes in daily period of lighting within a certain landscape. (See Fig. 2)
7). The communications between the AIM and MOTORIC Memory types reflect the formation and application of movement combinations in their most efficient expression of probable alternatives in achieving desired results. From the early times there is a circus performance where the artist with his eyes tied shoots better than any one of us taking good aim. We can justify ourselves that he takes a good look, memorizes and contently trains his skills, plus talent, of course. But we are to remember that the Aimed type of organization is a memory for optimal structures, resulting in our example to the exact movement of armed hand.
8). Combinations of the areas handling the AIM and SENSUAL Memory organization provide for our emotional status at the exiting moments of severe passions. For instance, when a fellow starts to his first date to his beloved girl, he will for sure feel worried and has no power to curb his excitements (though only God knows how he wished to do!)
9). Interactions between the "AIMS" and the "IMAGES" define "a scrupulous scrutinizing" both in direct and metaphorical senses of this word combination. That is, the oriented contemplation (noticing and accepting) of the genuinity of knowledge about the external and internal nature of interested objects requiring no provements, e.g. the prophetical dreams of prominent scientists. (See Fig. 2)
10). Links between the AIMED and the LOGICAL Memory types generate processes of orientated activities, since any strict sequences of frequently met events lead to placing aims to achieve an optimal way of their application, which is a prerequisite for the forthcoming LOGICS of implementation.
11). "Martial Skills" of MOTORICS and MANAGEMENT do not require any further explanations - it is an art to control individual body.
12). "Artistic plastics" of FEELINGS and MOTIVATIONS is distinguished with operational flexibility of emotional compatibilities in application of mastered links which accompany to both internal and external self-expression of the experienced Events. The most brilliant example is mastering a popular system of "auto training". (See Fig. 2)
13). "Picturesque design" of the IMAGES and MOTIVATIONS is distinguished with its principal b link between the illustrious imaginary properties of links in Eventual Phenomena. In other words, it is "game" where one plays "cinema", where the personages of the "will scenario" may be any, sometimes most impossible, Items, Objects and Models of both known and studied processes.
14). "Pragmatic soberdom" of the LOGICS and ADMINISTRATIONS is defined by a tactical sequence of adjusted relations between informatively experienced Events. The former activities of economy planning bodies and management of nowadays can be brought as an example.
15). "Creative Craftsmanship" of the AIMS and MANAGING MOTIVATIONS is expressed in strategical determination of conditions associated with application of optimal processed and mastered data of eventual links of the Human Being with any Natural Objects. For example, the thinking person constantly feels the presence of a certain desires, not even suspecting that it is generated due to THIS PARTICULAR kind of reflectory activities, the extent of development of which is the major characteristic of individual "Talents". (See Fig. 2)
If we wish to rationalize each of the reflectory Memory KINDS we are to return back to formulating Its "refectory Types", between "Which" THEY establish interactions.
Here we shall stop and transfer to the GENERIC summarization of Reflexes in compliance with the Evolution of their building up.
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(c) Author: Andrew L.
Gerashchenko, 1984 - 2005. |
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