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1.1.5   MEMORY GENERAE or ITS Evolution Stages

     From the enlisted number of refectory Kinds of Human Memory FIVE GENERA may be specified on the basis of their evolutionary origins. It fully comprises both the processes of "phylogenetical" development of Organisms and to "ontogenetical" stabilization of any of them. REFLECTORY KINDS OF HUMAN LIFE  we so far classify into GENETICAL, UNCONDITIONAL, CONDITIONAL, SOCIAL and PERSONAL GENDRERS!

GENETICAL GENDER - represents an aggregation of organically realized links of Sensory and Motorical kind reflexes in which are compulsory fixed in inheritable genetical code of Organisms being in charge of the feasibility of reproduced offspring.   (See Fig. 2)

     Any Object in the Living Nature has Genetical Gender reflexes presented in all the available Types of multi-degree organizational structure Its Memory. Such a presence is realized by means of internal links between evolutionarily formed "representing units" of ESSENTIAL TYPES of Memory within "ONE" of THEM. Meanwhile the modus operandi of these representing units preserves ITS unique degree of organization. Due to this the GENETICAL Gender of the reflexes is represented in all of the "TEMPORAL DEPTHS" of Human memory (and other Organisms, too). These are the CIRCUMSTANCES which provide real process of reproduction for Organisms with similar shape and behaviour.

UNCONDITIONAL GENDER - defines the amount of organically mastered reflexes which are established by means of inter-types bilateral links between  Imaginary degree of organization of data processed by the Organism with Sensory and Motoric types of Its Memory. (See Fig. 2)

     These reflexes develop with Human organism at the medium stage of pregnancy. You can reasonably protest, stating that "The baby yet has no working eyes there". Fine. Don't forget that the genetical predisposition to the Imaginary types of various data processing laid as a cornerstone by the parental organisms is already capable to realize its predestination.

CONDITIONAL GENDER - defines the aggregation of organically mastered reflexes which are formed as a link between Logical Memory Type  with  less organized types areas. Operation of THIS Gender displays itself in the Organism mastering logically consistent activities of Imaginary, Sensory and Motoric characteristic components of Its Memory. (See Fig. 2)

     Human reflexes of this kind begin to act already at the last stages of foetus maturing, where it begins to clime for its titles to the place under Sun. They develop most actively within the range between the first impact "of the new subjectivity" with the outer world till "maturity age" and provide for the "habits" formation.  To compare the essence of the above statement with common views we shall bring here the classical definitions of the used terms.  "Unconditional reflexes - provide support for the life activities in relatively constant environmental conditions and are the property of the human organism since its very appearance.  Conditional reflexes - are elaborated on the unconditional basis under the impact of external disturbances. The same principle of sensual construction of the definitions is applied by us, too, however its contents are deepened and the classification of reflectorial subdivisions is more detailed.

SOCIAL GENDER - defines the aggregation of socially mastered reflexes which are formed by means of  Aimed type of Memory with the areas of Logical, Imaginary, Sensory and Motoric degrees  of Its organization. This gender of refectory actions is based on the results of "group" life activities of Organisms united under Natural conditions of existence. (See Fig. 2)

     Reflectory activities of Memory within this gender is awakened at the moment of appearance under Sun, since the very moment when the child recognizes its mother and then the objects within closest vicinity and the relatives. Further the multi-images of communications defining the directions and speed of upgrading social reflexes develop the mastering of most optimal schemes of reaching aims among the informativity of experienced events which are incalculable.

PERSONALIZED GENDER - represents the summary of individually mastered reflexes, which are formed by means of interactions between the   Management type of Memory of a particular individual with the areas of previously defined characters of its "Gradual" organization. (See Fig. 2)

     THIS gender of reflectory activities in the Organism bases upon the results of subjective actions of Its individuality which forms during the cognition of various natural phenomena both in the habitation environment and in tutorial environment.

We shall proceed to the Memory of Living from the point of view of Its both  CONSCIOUS and UNCONSCIOUS effects.

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PRINCIPICS: Copyright (c) Author:  Andrew L. Gerashchenko, 1984 - 2005.
Copyright (c) Translation:  Sergey A. Kechkin,  2002 - 2005.
Reference to the Author's site is compulsory, if any part of this work is used.