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1.1.6 MEMORY CLASSES or Stages of displaying its Rationality
All the representatives of Flora and Fauna possessed and still possess at least two Memory Types: Sensory and Motorical. Here One of Them plays the KEY ("directive") part, and the Other - LEADING (taking peak congestion in respect of external links). In view of such a situation the necessity in new expanded perception for the term "Conscience" arises. Taking into consideration historical evolution of its sense It is understood by us as the Thoughts and Activities determined by Knowledge, i.e. as a usage of any known Information by an Organism. Thus, sensual area of application of this Term expands, being related not only to the processes of tuition and communication, but to the Memory of all the Organisms which actually represent the gradual Evolution of Living. By means of the CONDITIONALITIES within such an approach summarized definitions for Conscious, Subconscious and Super Conscious activities of any nature may be formulated.
CONSCIENCE unites all the KINDS of refectory interactions of an Organism WHICH come in touch with the LEADING MEMORY TYPE and ITS representations within the rest of CHARACTERS of Its organization.
SUBCONSCIENCE are all the KINDS of reflectory interactions, WHICH don't come in touch with the MAIN and the LEADING MEMORY TYPES within an Organism, and THEIR "representations" in the rest TYPES.
SUPERCONSCIENCE are all the KINDS of reflectory interactions, WHICH come in touch with the MAIN "CHARACTER" of Memory organization and "ITS" "representations", excluding all the links with Its LEADING TYPE and the LATTER's "representations" within the OTHERS. (See Fig. 2)
At the modern stage of historical development of the
Civilization Human CONSCIENCE bases mainly on the work of the Aimed Memory Type. It plays
a LEADING PART in the interactions between the Organism and Environment by means of Social
kind of reflexes. The MAIN PART in human life organizing at present lies within the
reflexes of Management kind, which characterize their allegedly "perfect"
and Actions by means of Personal Kind of reflexes. Despite of this social realities
indicate that dominating majority of people are working in applying the ten-odd stock of
their "MULTIPLICITY" which is the one which provides for development of
individual unique abilities of a Human Being!
Reflectory work of Genetic, Unconditional and
Conditional Kinds provides for Human SUBCONSCIOUS Activities, and only that of
Managing-Imaginary and the same orientation of Sensory and Motoric kinds of Memory
provides for Super Conscious Activity. (See Fig. 2)
In the highest scale TWO CLASSES of REFLEXES define Thoughts and activities of an Organism:
Under the principle of evolutionary
"reinforcement" of the New Reflexes kind by the reflectory
"formations" of more ancient kinds and taking into account all the
"hierarchy" of Living Memory, we state, that the CONSCIOUS and UNCONSCIOUS ideas
and actions are represented in all the Types and at all the "Depths" of
reflectory ability in any Organism. THEY differ only in various degree of Awareness
(data introduction into the sphere of Conscience) and Unawareness (condition
of unnoticeability for Conscious attention, effect of complete or partial
"Uncertainty"). THESE PROPERTIES apply both to data Consumption and Production
processes as well, as to the processes of data Preservation. It must be particularly
emphasized that both CONSCIOUS and UNCONSCIOUS ideas and actions may be Deliberate. The
same applies to the Unaware life of an Organism. Meanwhile everything
depends on orientation and concentration of "Individual" attention which can be
respectively trained.
To realize more completely human creative capabilities
quality leap must be made which is expressed in CONSCIOUS mastering and development of a
NEW, the seventh, Memory TYPE.
The Degree of the WORLD OUTLOOK character - is a type of Organism Memory trained for the Principles of evolutionary development of experienced and processed Events; it prominently differs in Universal character of application of reflectorily mastered Natural Regulations, and with the ability to use Harmonically the surrounding Environment. (See Fig. 2)
IT will occupy the DOMINATING place in our life and will open broad space for reflectory work of Management Type of Memory which will undertake the LEADING load in interaction with the Nature. THIS TYPE of Memory so far found ITS application in past and present ages only within highly moralized religious ideals and in genuinely progressive Creations in science and art, which were built, are being built and will be built due to reflexes of " CONFESSIONARY GENDER" That is where the true source of Human Mind lies rather than in "fruitless field" of egocentric Individuality!
The described "shades" of Human Life define the
most magnificent ability of a Human being:
mostly applies the Genuine Principles of Natural Events,
and the CONSCIENCE the Events historically selected by the concrete Civilization!
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(c) Author: Andrew L.
Gerashchenko E-mail, 1984 - 2005. |
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