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1.2.3 SUPERCONSCIENCE, or Evolutionary "guess-work"
This term was firstly applied by genial Russian writer Feodor M.
Dostoevskiy. He used it to describe unusual displays of the "Divine Sparks" in
the human soul.
Described topics of CONSCIENCE and SUBCONSCIENCE enlighten various stages
of their development. The similar stages are inherent to the SUPERCONSCIENCE
processes. But while the SUBCONSCIENCE falls often into the sphere of interests on Medical
Science and the processes of mass CONSCIENCE are mostly treated by sociologists and
politicians, the SUPERCONSCIENCE to some extent is attractive for
everybody, as the displays of ITS reflectory activities are so impressive
for human imagination, that some witnesses begin to believe sincerely both in Divine Acts
and Infernal Acts, too.
As we spoke previously, the SUPERCONSCIENCE processes are the kinds
of reflexes which are determined by the MAIN Memory Type, but don't fall in
touch with Its LEADING Type. Thus ITS work begins to display itself obviously at
the Three-typed organization of the Living.
Consequently, the "pseudoparanormal" phenomena are typical for animals
possessing, at least, the Imaginary Memory Type. Here only Imaginary-Motoric
kind of reflexes falls within the scope of SUPERCONSCIENCE. It is this
situation which explains the abnormal speed of reaction typical for fish, insects, snakes
and those similar to them and other "abnormal" phenomena of ancient beasts.
Further natural evolution extends the list of SUPERCONSCIOUS reflexes to two
kinds (Logical-Motoric, and Logical-Sensory).
Next stage of development represents the three kinds stock of their
application (Aimed-Motoric, Aimed-Sensory and Aimed-Imaginary).
SUPERCONSCIENCE of this level is typical for highly developed animals and birds which are
distinctly advanced not only by the abnormal stamina, unique sense of hearing and
smelling, but with striking precision of orientation to the territories of migrating
habitation. Here we are coming up to the four-odd kinds of SUPERCONSCIOUS
thinking and acting of human nature.
As we had done previously we shall examine here
1. The striking stamina of the prehistoric people, living under the conditions of primary communities was distinguished in the unprecedent aimed orientation in struggle of respective tribes for survival. Only due to forming the Managementary-Motoric kinds of reflexes (e.g. the exact targeting of primitive hunting weapons); Managementary-Sensory (overcoming the fears in front of natural disasters and fierce beasts); Managementary-Imaginary (rock-writing and other means reflecting the scenes of life) and Managementary-Logical (household organization and creation of the primary appliances of labour) contributed to the advance towards the next stage of development. For the vast majority of the modern terrain population these four kinds of reflexes do still construe the basis, though with more progressive appliance:
The First is displayed in the prominent marks achieved in sports and physical phenomena of "Yoga" and "Tai-chi Chuang" styles.
The Second is defined with unique abilities of the brilliant musicians and practical activities of genuine extrasensorical people.
The Third is displayed in the greatest masterpieces created by gifted artists and in impressive images of fantastic dreams.
The Fourth - displays itself in the creative inspirations of the greatest scientists like the Newton's apple and in "unexplainable" prophecies of the forthcoming events.
2. The next SUPERCONSCIOUS system is characterized with five-odd kinds of rationalized guesswork:
1). World-Outlooking - Motorical kind - where an individual is spontaneously encouraged to physical movements, that is where sports become a part of human principles of life.
2). World-Outlooking - Sensual kind . Here the rhythm-feeling of Events in surrounding becomes a style of life, which is accompanied, as a consequence with accepting one's Fate as it comes, striking both sybarites and acquits
3). World-Outlooking - Imaginary kind where the visually aggregated thoughts about thee paths of Life and Death take shapes of uncurable fantasies of talented film-makers or virtually-built "worlds" of crazy computermen.
4). World-Outlooking - Logical kind. Here an individual is taken by reflectory whirlpools of mysticism and occultism, or, in other words, "divine" systems of theoretical aggregation of Natural reincarnations.
5). World-Outlooking - Aimed kind. These are the individualistic sectant strivings of people to destruction of salving the Humanity and Nature which is persuasively confirmed by frequently aggressive actions of fanaticism of various versions.
(See Fig. 2), (See Fig.3)
We have proposed mainly positive and rarely met characteristics of SUPERCONSCIENCE associated with this type. Generally, however, ITS reflexes are often taken for maniacal deviations on which mostly psychical disorders are advancing.
3. The final of currently accessible to human perception SUPERCONSCIENCE systems consists of six reflectory kinds which are defined by DOMINANT ROLE of Cosmic Memory Type. It is possible to state that the activity of THESE reflexes from the point of view of their significance is only commensurable with the Divine activities. And since one of the most sacred understandings of the divine essence is the term of Time, and the Time is a measure of Rhythmical changes in cosmic space, one can only guess about the perfection of ITS vivid displays.
If the Techniques does not accept tolerantly the negligent handling it goes without saying in regard of the Nature. Nobody, or almost nobody finds himself able to master the powerful forces of Cosmic nature. The activities, approaching to such a level are traceable only among the sacred hermits and prophets of world-scale religions. The "modest confessors" practically miss these features. They have only modest guesses about the existence of such and very modest results of space flights with their advanced technologies. We still don't know how to describe the actions of each of the six kinds (Noospherical Gender of reflexes)/ Finally, so far it is the deadline!
With perception operation of THESE reflexes is untraceable, since the scope of THEIR influence extends far beyond the Organism. And the Organism is already SUBCONSCIOUSLY adapted to withstand the power of these forces in the Biosphere of our planet, but will not be able to survive beyond it without a spacesuit. Therefore the mastering of the outer space is the matter of the next stage of development of Earthmen.
With the reproduction, on the contrary, THESE reflexes correspond with the internal (subconscious) regulations simulation for development of Human Organism. Briefly, these kinds of reflexes will be formed with Cosmic Expansion of Humanity to settle other planets, i.e. depending on human activities in interstellar space. The poor values of preservation time for these Effects is subjected to the "eternity" of their existence.
The described SUPERCONSCIENCE SYSTEMS are given in the evolutionary sequence of their development and define the Past, the Present and the Future of the Humanity. The author does not intend to dig deeply into the details of THEIR obvious display on various depths of Memory, because he does not know much about it himself and, as the occultists say, it does not worthy to handle the matters to which one is not ready either materially, or physically.
Generally, the public even in the most developed countries in the world are still unable to master the regulations of such powerful human capabilities. One must gain some patience and wait for the time when their mass rationalization is required. Meanwhile we have a task to understand the elementary principles promoted in Bible, Alcoran, Bhagavat-Hyta and the Cultural values of other serious world religions.
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PRINCIPICS: Copyright (c) Author: Andrew L.
Gerashchenko, 1984 - 2004. |
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