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1.2.2   SUBCONSCIENCE or Evolutionary "automatism"

     "According to the described Memory model, SUBCONSCIENCE is being defined by the entire scope of Reflexes, which don't get in touch with the LEADING and the MAIN types. Hence the Memory types aggregated in SUBCONSCIENCE may be defined as those being DRIVEN by the LEADING ones."

     Natural path of evolution runs from less organized forms of Life to those higher organized. But only balanced systems of data and energy exchange provide survival to various samples of Flora and Fauna. Development of life from primitive organisms to more complicated is called "phylogenesis" in science and the development of an individual organism from its embryo to biological maturity is defined as its "Ontogenesis". The scientists succeeded to discover their mutual relation, i.e. the basic Ontogenesis stages repeat the evolutionary passed stages of Phylogenesis.
     Previously looking the "History" of memory formation in the primary cells and plants we defined two types of its organization. They are linked by only one kind of reflexes classified as the Genetic Gender. But the working conditions of such a system of the life correspond to our definition of CONSCIENCE, as both the LEADING and the MAIN Memory types are involved! Within the Three-typed organization of the primitive animals the SUBCONSCIOUS reflexes are absent, too. They only have a higher developed CONSCIENCE including two kinds of reflexes plus one kind of SUPERCONSCIENCE reflex. Due to such an approach life activity of the majority representatives of Flora and Fauna can be interpreted in a new manner. It comes out, that their Organisms actually use the correspondent CONSCIENCE of the experience phylogenetically gained and accompanied with SUPERCONSCIENCE of ontogenetical experience. Hence there is no place for SUBCONSCIENCE here!  It appears only at the fourth stage of general Memory Phylogenesis. For instance, among fishes and primary amphibian ITS activities are defined by the reflexes falling into Genetic Gender.
     Basic task of this subsection is in defining the spheres of SUBCONSCIENCE activities under different ways of human development which will be described below.

1.  For the six-type Memory system it will include three kinds of Conditional Gender Reflexes (Logical-Motoric, Logical-Sensory and Logical-Imaginary), two kinds of Unconditional Gender (Imaginary-Motoric, Imaginary-Sensory) and one of Genetical Gender (Sensory-Motoric).

     From the position of the Ontogenesis the SUBCONSCIOUS REFLEXES in Organism develop gradually - from implementation of genetically defined parental heritage to the display of unconditional trends in forming embryo with further complication of THEIR organization being in direct dependence of conditions created by experienced Events.

2.   For the Memory System of Seven Types, to those enlisted above four more kinds of reflexes of Social Gender are added (Aimed-Motorical, Aimed-Sensory, Aimed-Imaginary and Aimed-Logical) which means that a Person, CONSCIOUSLY absorbed in solving administrative problems begins, without extra thoughts, to achieve various aims related with the organization of life activity system of his own creation. (See Fig. 2), (See Fig. 3)

     SUBCONSCIENCE is not armed with the World Ethics Principles, simply speaking, the Principles of Universal Mutual Relations.

3.  For the eight-type organization we shall have to add five more reflectory kinds of Personality Gender (Managementary-motorical, Managementary-sensory, Managementary-Imaginary, Managementary-Logical, Managementary-Aimed ).

     At the first sight it is uneasy to describe the "automatisms" at such levels, since the common sense of majority takes them for pure CONSCIOUS ideas and actions of an individual. But here the matter concerns not common people or, it is possible to dare to state, about the SUBCONSCIENCE of forthcoming generations. The examples confirming such an activities within an organic system are to be searched in the marvellous abilities of Sacred representatives of any Religion or in the difficulty understandable activities of true Healers of body and soul. The major discomfort in SUBCONSCIOUS system at such a level lies in the necessity in closed style of life for these individuals. Such highly organized abilities of such "automatisms" often scare not only common people but even those who are at power!

     Generally the subject of   SUBCONSCIENCE is the most complicated about the human life. ITS malfunctions generally lead to severe consequences not only for a particular Organisms but for their offsprings, too and the loss of either reflectory kinds often leads to lethal outcome. Certainly, it depends a lot on what "depth" of memorizing these injures take place.

     SUBCONSCIENCE, as well as the CONSCIENCE itself are present at all the Memory Levels (Long-Term, Short-Term, Operative, Sensory and Pre-Sensory) (See Fig. 3)  The time of data preservation within them defines its adaptation to various organs within human organism. The closer it is to peripheral borders of the body, the less is observed power of their actions but the dependence on the Environmental factors exposure increases drastically.

     As the organism represents an integrated system the differentiation in Its organs operations must be subject to unified rhythms. These Rhythms are described by a category of Time. The Time commonly used is only a periodical change in Earth position relatively to the Sun and surrounding stars.

All the Organisms have at the basis of their formation SUBCONSCIOUS models of these regulations of rhythmic coexistence in cosmic interactions. It is here the popularity of astrology hidden,
since the True in any garments (both scientific and not) always bewitches and lures people!

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PRINCIPICS: Copyright (c) Author:  Andrew L. Gerashchenko, 1984 - 2004.
Copyright (c) Translation:  Sergey A. Kechkin,  2002 - 2004.
Reference to the Author's site is compulsory, if any part of this work is used.