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1.2.5   ECONOMICS or the skill of Self-Provision

     "ECONOMY (Greek meaning – art of house-keeping) - 1) integrity of relations arising while production of a certain socio-economic formation; 2) national economy of a particular country or its part, including relevant branches of industry". (S.E.D. 1988)

     "True unpredictable the God's ways are!" Soviet Empire still lies in ruins and the World ECONOMY stepped on the path of global integration of its branches. The necessity of this step is obvious, since without planned arrangements in production it is impossible to avoid crisis in distribution. This is one of the major problems with modern developed countries. The ideology of Communism, though being the severe brake for scientific and technical advance, did take a correct path of governmental planning in economy. Its inefficiency was only in insufficient erudition and ideological emphasize with the people at power helm.
     Examples of the amended drawbacks of extra-politicisation of ECONOMIC processes are the success achieved in People Republic of China, which succeeded within closest terms to advance from starving densely populated country to the top ten industrial countries of the world. Certainly, it is unlikely for them to reach the highly technological levels of the USA or Japan, but the progress is visible and is based on Globalisation on the State level the branches requiring application of science and heavy industry. Having analysed briefly the recent life history of one third of humanity we can define the primary principles of Economic advance achievement.

     Globalisation of technologically advanced production and Splitting the foodstuffs and light industry branches is mandatory to preserve the national progress.
     International Globalisation of data transfer links and scientific programs for space mastering is necessary to preserve the progress in the World scales. On the other side, national production schemes are to be transferred to small and medium businesses in ecologically pure foodstuffs, individual protection appliances and social comfort facilities.

     We shall try now to interpret all the above in the light of Principles regulating the reflectory Memory activities. We shall start from the admittance that ECONOMY is mainly based on human SUBCONSCIOUS activities. The rationalized level of advance defines the life style of each individual.
     There are always the "Rich" and the "Poor" in the world which are classified both under the criteria of property dimensions and the amount of monetary equivalent of any labor. This provision is attributed to different characteristic in development of their SUBCONSCIENCE based upon the reflexes of Social, Conditional, Unconditional and Genetical Generae. Activities performed by the two Latter of the enlisted above define the biological capability of the Human organism and the extent of development of the Former pair provide for the level of its ECONOMICAL life support provision. The three Latter provide for the physical shape, health status and habits of an Individual throughout the lifetime and the First of them (the Social) - reflexes application of Aimed - Motoric, Aimed - Sensory, Aimed - Imaginary and Aimed - Logical kinds. Here the limits of SUBCONSCIENCE development bump into "authomatized" implementation of processes of aim pursue. Therefore people, who terminated their development become enslaved by their desires and their irrationally used finances cause tragedies and disasters both in family aspects and at the social arena of useless existence.
     One can speak much about the cultural, national, individual and other peculiarities of different individuals, but when we approach the subject of individual art of home-keeping the reflectory roots here are the same. The higher human SUBCONSCIENCE is organized and the more reflexes are accumulated within it, the stronger is its material well being. The sight on ECONOMY under such angle may cause the impression that the CONSCIENCE is not represented here. Certainly, it is not so. The subject is only in prevailing of certain activities. In other words, the CONSCIOUS processes of human ECONOMIC activities are oriented towards stabilization of historically experienced values and their own life support.
     Since in our case the "pure" SUBCONSCIOUS processes cover at the Long-Term Depth the Motoric, Sensory, Imaginary, Logical and Aimed types the pattern of memorizing drastically alters at the Short-Term depth. Here all the other types are represented within each of mentioned Types. At the Short-Term level of SUBCONSCIOUS Memory Types the CONSCIOUS reflexes of "practical" mind run at full power. These reflexes are frequently taken for prominent sample of wisdom inherent to people with high well-being standards. (See Fig.3)

     We shall now proceed to the ECONOMIC activities of SUBCONSCIOUS CONSCIENCE subject to ITS organization types.

1). We shall start from the Motorical Type. CONSCIENCE of this scheme bases on the Management-Sensory, Management-Imaginary, Management-Logical, Management-Aimed and Management - World-Outlooking kinds of reflexes. Summarizing their activity processes one can state that it is a labour life of an Individual, i.e. practical realization of their physical and professional skills. (Look Fig.3.1)

2). Conscious activities of the Sensual Type operates the same Kinds of reflexes save the Management-Sensory replaced by Management - Motoric. Their operation can be described as a applicable experience gained during solving problem associated with their own life support. Shortly speaking, it is a CONSCIOUS experience in adaptation to the conditions created at historical stages of life. (Look Fig.3.2)

3). For the Imaginary Type of Human Memory, the CONSCIENCE is determined by means of activity of the Management - Motoric, Management - Sensory, Management - Logical, Management - Aimed and Management - World-Outlooking kinds of reflexes. The integrity of ITS activities facilitates to obvious expression of theoretical grounding for the category of "poor less existence" associated with the implementation of individual fantasies of well-being. (Look Fig.3.3)

4). Logical Type of the SUBCONSCIOUS activity possesses its own level of CONSCIENCE. Reflexes Kinds associated with It are the same as of Imaginary Type except the Management-Logical kind replaced again by the Management-Imaginary kind. These kinds of reflexes allow to create the hypothetical versions to improve the own life support, i.e. to probe rationally probable ways to develop one's well-being. (Look Fig.3.4)

5). At the Aimed Stage of economic problems solving all the kinds of CONSCIOUS memory reflexes are included into SUBCONSCIENCE, except the Management-Aimed. Inherent feature of "economic" ideas and activities within this Type is represented by actual orientation of an Individual to imposing global aims in one's life. On this stage the encouraging sample among the available specimen of historical power is being selected, such as chieftain, king, sheikh, president, etc. (Look Fig.3.5)

     In our explanation of the principal basis of ECONOMIC "wily moves" of each individual human being and the reasons of linking with other people we missed the fact of presence of SUPERCONSCIENCE reflexes within the Short-Term Memory depths. Their activities on this path determines the CULTURE of economical relations within the processes of labour activities of Humans. And the above mentioned kinds of SUBCONSCIOUS SUBCONSCIENCE (Genetical and Unconditional Generae) provide for health status of an individual.

     As in the previous subsection we shall study THREE SYSTEMS of ECONOMICAL SUBCONSCIENCE. The second has been already described. It is inherent to advanced nations of our modern history. Now we shall return to ECONOMY of the Past, but for the majority of peoples it is still their Present.

     1. For the first SUBCONSCIENCE System the "art of home-keeping" is determined by activities of the four Memory Types : Motorical, Sensory, Imaginary and Logical. Each of them possesses a correspondent CONSCIENCE at the Short-Term memorizing Level which, respectively, bases upon the four Kinds of described reflexes.  (See Fig.3)
     The inherent vice of such an ECONOMY is in insolvency of its "leaders" to handle the labour and material resources of the property being at their disposal. The wastage of both human and natural reserves of the habitation Environment leads to bankruptcy of population of rather rich countries. The ceilings of CONSCIENCE here don't exceed the intuitive guesswork of individual striving to personal aims. Therefore the principle of gaining a maximum life support for oneself and minimum for others becomes fundamental.

     3. The Third System of the ECONOMIC SUBCONSCIENCE is evolutionary predicted to the future generations (provided that the current will not pull themselves into coffin with their ignorance of ecological problems). Here we shall deal with the eight-type organization of the Living. Here the Cosmic Memory type comes to the starring positions of the MAIN and the World-Outlooking becomes the LEADING. Consequently, the "economic" SUBCONSCIENCE will include six DRIVEN types of its organization.
     Since the main load of various interactions with the surrounding world will be determined by the reflexes of the Confessionary Gender one can bravely state about the rapid solution for the problems of material life support for Terrain population. The ability to overcome economic problems of associated events will be determined by the knowledge of system regulations of Cosmic harmony.
     In principle, within narrow circles of businessmen a lot of difficulties are solved on the "merchant honour" basis, i.e. basing on pure trust to the partner. This circle will soon expand and the methods will gain a wide popularity.

Now with the crazy temps dictated by revolution in science and technologies and rapid increase of Entropy (disorder and heterogeneous) in international relations the World Economy requires a wide review of natural values for common people. Next we shall try to describe What Unites All of Us and is able to Save Our Souls !

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PRINCIPICS: Copyright (c) Author:  Andrew L. Gerashchenko, 1984 - 2004.
Copyright (c) Translation:  Sergey A. Kechkin,  2002 - 2004.
Reference to the Author's site is compulsory, if any part of this work is used.