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1.2.4 CULTURE, or self-preservation brought to the levels of Perfection
"CULTURE (from Latin cultivation, bringing-up, education, development, honoring) historically determined stage of social development, creative powers and abilities of the Human Beings, displayed in the types and forms of life style and activities and in accompanied and associated creation of material and spiritual values." (S.E.D. 1988)
This definition matches the summarizing style adopted in our researches.
However, the Latin interpretation of this word mainly characterizes the processes of
"cultivation" and "honouring", "bringing-up" and
"education". It is this understanding of the CULTURE gives us full right to put
this category into the list of fundamental problems of Humanity.
It goes without saying that the material and spiritual masterpieces of
Human CULTURE allow to judge about the development levels of various countries and nations
while it is still unknown what occurs with it now and what are the prospects for the
nearest future. Cultural values of the past are saved in museums and private collections
and are widely used for bringing up of both general erudition and a sense of artistic
taste. But the classic samples of human creative activities have not previous precedents
or standardised schemes. It means that they represent the products of SUPERCONSCIOUS
activities of their authors. Let us take music as an example. Modern "hits" of
various styles and orientations, certainly are thee results of creative
"inspirations". Due to them only a lot of well made works are produced which
become the "classics" while the other are forgotten as clumsily simulated.
Principles of development and formation in tribal and then national
culture is obvious. The only ever present "but" is in the fact that national and
territorial features are not making essential impact on international values of the
Terrain population. To the top of such achievements of Human CULTURE one can place the
World-Outlooking systems of understanding Cosmic regulations of Evolution processes. They
are the mystical theories of Ancient Egypt and Greece, India and China, Scandinavian and
Mesopotamian Nations and the Natives of America Continent. Understanding of Life from the
position of their provisions gains more and more popularity among the contemporaries.
Studying of ancient solutions of universal interlinking allows to see new facets of
multiple mysteries which are common in their importance. The international essence of the
Principles explained by them is commonly admitted world-wide!
Classical understanding of the "CULTURE" attracts and,
finally, embarrasses the interested Human, who being enriched by ITS knowledge is driven
to adopt a certain of all the wise systems of "Comprehension". Our objective is
to encourage the Reader to evaluate the historical art of intellectual self-preservation
from the newer heights proposed by summarizing the Cultural values of the Civilization. We
shall try to approach this objective from the position of thee Memory model under
On the basis of definitions of CONSCIENCE, SUBCONSCIENCE and
SUPERCONSCIENCE we saw to a concussion that only the LATTER of them is able to impress and
intuitively solve the actual Human problems in global sense. So, the entire known and
unknown History of the CULTURE was created by people with advanced SUPERCONSCIENCE. Hence,
they possessed the ability to percept it and to introduce into their routine life style.
As we already got used, we shall examine THREE SUPERCONSCIOUS SYSTEMS of Human CULTURE
1. Creative achievements within the first are determined by the Management type of Memory, i.e. ITS products are different in the Principal level of their proposed aggregations.
2. CULTURE of the second system is described with the World-Outlooking type of labor organization and its particular feature is characterized with the Regulatory rationalization of ITS creations. (See Fig.3)
3. For the third system Cosmic organization of Memory becomes essential, which is expressed in Systematic universality of ITS theories of World perception.
1. The distinct feature of the FIRST SYSTEM of the CULTURE is represented by the restrictions of the Management type. We shall start from the fact that all the available Memory types are represented in each particular Memory type. Hence, the Management problems always accompanied, accompany and will accompany humanity throughout its life. Studying the CULTURE samples of primary tribes the contemporaries are surprised by the simplicity of their lifestyle depicted on the rocks and the primitively of their weapons and tools. As a matter of fact, the actual problems of ancient tribes never extended beyond their physical existence.Experience of struggle for survival was displayed in the form of symbols. Thus, the process of Tuition (management of life organization) has been being formed and it helped the seeds of modern Humanity to survive. The History proceeded its way and, throughout the hundreds millennia, or even more, the accumulating layers of solved and unsolved problems of self-preservation provided for our existence and left us as a heritage great cultural achievements of all times and peoples.
2. The areas where CULTURE displays are so multiple and various that it is impossible to handle all of them in details and the aim we pursue is a little different. Therefore we shall approach to the displays of the SECOND SYSTEM of intellectual self-preservation turning as an example to the intuitive solution of the Civilization objectives in building a World-Outlook pattern. We shall apply here the seven-odd types Memory organization. (See Fig.3))
1). Within the Short-term depthes of the Motoric Type six other Types are represented with reflectory links between them. For the SUPERCONSCIENCE they are World-Outlooking - Sensory, World-Outlooking - Imaginary and World-Outlooking - Logical kinds. Thus, by means of their training mimes and dancers, stars of artistic gymnastics and "Tai-chi Chuang" mastered the "Motorical Culture". (See Fig.3.1)
2). The Sensual Memory Type possesses six other available types represented within It. Here the SUPERCONSCIENCE behaves itself in another manner. Activities of World-Outlooking - Motorical, - Imaginary and Logical kinds are inherent to outstanding representatives of singing and music areas of Culture. (See Fig. 3.2)
3). SUPERCONSCOUS reflexes of Imaginary Type are inherent to the outstanding masters of arts. Their activity is a consequence of internal reflectory activities of World-Outlooking - Motorical, World-Outlooking - Sensory and World-Outlooking - Logical kinds. These moments of "inspiration" with non-ordinary people produce unprecedent masterpieces of architecture, sculpture, painting, photography and design. (See Fig.3.3)
4). At the Logical Stage of SUPERCONSCIENCE organization unique creations and inventions in technology occur. The Short-Term depth of This Type possesses World-Outlooking - Motorical, World-Outlooking - Sensory and World-Outlooking - Imaginary kinds of reflexes. As a few examples the inventions of the Wheel, Steam Engine, Lamp, Radio Communication and Computers may be reminded. (See Fig.3.4)
5). The next stage of Aimed Type are determined by the same set off reflexes, as the previous one. Their work attributes for unrestricted structural capabilities of Human Nature. This activity may be described using the experience of Guinness Book records and the striking skills of genuine extrasensoric people and true prophets. Shortly speaking, it is the world of impressive results in life of the people enchanted with aims pursue. (See Fig.3.5)
6). The sixth Memory type is the Managementary. It is attributable with the final display of "cultural" SUPERCONSCIENCE. It also possesses three reflectory kinds at the short-term depth levels which are World-Outlooking - Motorical, World-Outlooking - Sensory ? World-Outlooking - Imaginary. They are expressed in the principal universalization of their activities. As an example here the life and activity of the prominent historical personalities may be mentioned such as Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, Napoleon I, Stalin, Hitler and many others. (See Fig.3.6)
You have, of course noticed that all of the reflexes kinds enlisted
above are of the Confessionary Gender.
Therefore only "religious" people do possess the SUPERCONSCIOUS CULTURE.
If the Humanity stops on this stage of evolutionary development the
emergence of new and new dictators and usurpers is inevitable both at the national and
world-wide arenas of the Terrain "circus". There were a lot of such attempts in
the past, they occur sometimes today, but the Future will be unable to stand them. And
with the power of modern military and industrious means of self-destruction our planet
will be drawn to ecological holocaust!
3. The only way out seems to form within Humanity Cosmic Memory Type. By Its means the majority of problems of current SUPERCONSCIENCE can be studied, reviewed and introduced into the sphere of renewed CONSCIENCE. Thus, such life conditions will be created where people will start to trust each other reasonably which is the rescuing CULTURE of the Future. Only then the World-Outlooking Memory Type will become the LEADING and the Cosmic Type will become the MAIN one.
It will broadly expand the list of reflectory kinds on which
new CULTURE of universal systems of Cosmic rationalization for the life principles will grow !Back Home | 1.2.1 Conscience | 1.2.2 Subconcience | 1.2.3 Overconcience | 1.2.5 Economy | 1.2.6 Policy | Back Top
PRINCIPICS: Copyright (c) Author: Andrew L.
Gerashchenko, 1984 - 2004. |
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