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" This work is that missing source of the initial knowledge, which contributes to the organization of the basic Philosophical CONCEPTS, structures and functions of ITS intelligent application. It gives a real opportunity to review wisely the Human organism and the processes of Its thinking. This work also may help to speed up any creative activity, which is directed both to the achievement of the scientific Knowledge, and to the progressive improvement of the social validity".
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1.2.1 CONSCIENCE or the Cosmic Nature of Mind
(See Fig.3)Processes of CONSCIENCE are present at all the Memory Levels: (Long-Term, Short-Term, Operative and Sensory). Apart from this, various Kinds of ITS reflexes are present in the Memory Types available within a particular Object. It provides for interlinking of the data accumulated in Them .
Reflectory systems of CONSCIENCE are always determined by the LEADING
Memory type, which, in ITS turn, depends on the degree of Its developed interaction
with the Environment features. For example, plants (or even a living cell) possesses only
two Memory Types: with the Motoric being the LEADING one , and
with the Sensory as the MAIN . Therefore the CONSCIENCE here
will be described by only Motoric-Sensory kind of reflexes of Genetical
kind. With lower animals, CONSCIENCE is already defined by Sensory-Imaginary
and Sensory-Motorical reflexes kinds with the Sensory Memory
type becoming the LEADING, and Imaginary the MAIN one.
There is no necessity to describe further stages of CONSCIENCE evolution, since the
principle of Its formation is quite understandable. So, we shall step directly to the
possible versions of Human CONSCIENCE.
Development of humans is extremely unbalanced. There are tribes leading
ancient style of life, there are slave-owning formations, there are
feudalistically-mafious communities, trading capitalistic companies, scientific and
cultural societies, religious-spiritual fraternities, etc. Nevertheless, all of them
consist of people, who are able to operate THREE only fundamental SYSTEMS
of their CONSCIENCE.
1. Vast majority of population of our planet do use the Aimed
Memory Type as the LEADING one. As a consequence, their CONSCIENCE
is defined with Aimed-Logical, Aimed-Imaginary, Aimed-Sensory and
Aimed-Motoric kinds of reflexes of Social Gender and Aimed-Managing
reflexes of Individualistic gender. The Latter kind of reflexes describes the link between
CONSCIOUSLY implemented processes with the MAIN Memory Type of these people.
The specific feature of Human ideas and actions in this formation
lies in their strict subordination to certain Aims. All the movements, emotions,
imaginary comparisons, logical constructions and attempts to deal with all these matters
have an obvious orientation towards achievement of an individually imposed Aim. The vice
of such a SYSTEM often allows maniacal states of human striving in implementing
individual desires.
has a Managing Memory Type as a LEADING one and the World-Outlooking
as a MAIN. Here we can trace all the kinds of reflexes of Personal (Individualistic) gender and one kind of Confessionary
(Managing-World-Outlooking) kind. (See Fig. 2), (See Fig.3)
The specific feature of such a CONSCIENCE is represented by
processes of Managing the consumed and produced information of the experienced Events.
Multivariations in combining various aims, sequences, images, feelings and movements are
only subordinated to a single principle - creating a controllable set of systematized
interactions united under a single world outlookingly pursued idea. It
leads to increase in individual self-conscience but, unfortunately, contributes into
conflicts emergence growing of a favourable religious and scientific "soil".
3. There is yet more powerful, the THIRD VERSION of CONSCIENCE which is mastered by genuinely religious and/or creative personalities. The main feature characterizing their activity are the problems of perception on a World-Outlooking level of Natural essence of Macro and micro worlds. Here the Cosmic Memory character becomes DOMINATING with the World-Outlooking as the LEADING one. Eight-odds composed stock of reflexes is such a CONSCIENCE is defined by World-Outlooking-Cosmic kind of Absolute Gender and with a full stock of Confessionary Gender. Such high flight of Human mind poorly correlates with already described CONSCIENCE SYSTEMS and with more earlier stages of ITS organization. For example, if Imaginary Memory Type is a LEADING among a certain group of people with Logical as the MAIN, they cannot advance beyond strictly consistent thoughts and actions. It is an idealized description of "zombies".
Evolution of CONSCIENCE occurs in compliance with the described versions of ITS obvious displays. IT will strive towards a wider aggregation of informational and energetical interactions of people with steadily increasing Entropy of the Environment of Human habitation. In other words, IT will strive towards mastering the scientifically grounded Principles of life activity of the Nature.
Throughout long periods of development of the Living not only new
Memory Types are established, but new Levels of
memorizing, too. They are defined by the scopes of mastering external
Environment, i.e. the Memory begins to expand beyond the organisms which possess it. The
duration of data preservation here drastically reduces due too quick decay of the Reflexes
which formed "outside" (here Their biological forms of preservation are meant).
However, Their quality variety and quantity drastically increases. For various
organization SYSTEMS of CONSCIENCE the number of "temporal depths"
is different. For seven-odd types construing the classification of Human
Memory subdivisions six Levels of memorizing are determined, four
of which are internal (long-term, short-term, operative and
sensory) and two external ( "astral-like" and
"mental-like", but here the matter is different from that as occultism
interprets). Internal CONSCIENCE may be explained with attention
concentration to Human thinking to find solutions for various matters relevant to
individual life, and the external with rational actions and results they
bring in the habitation Environment.
Having got some idea about the areas of human CONSCIOUS activities we
shall return to the Temporal evaluation of reflexes preservation. Actually the commonly
accepted time running at our clock and wrist-watch is a rather conditional category.
Living organism applies its own chronometers which are defined by permanent and periodical
factors of cosmic Nature of habitation spheres. Both scientists and non-scientists are
interested in the productivity of CONSCIENCE work at different Levels
and under different SYSTEMS of ITS activities organization. We shall
therefore define briefly the summarized principles of Its development.
The speed of CONSCIOUS Reflexes depends on the degree of organization within the LEADING Memory TYPE i.e. the more powerful is the summarizing capability of ITS operation, the higher is speed of THEIR formation. Hence, the units of periodical preservation of the newly-formed reflexes get enlarged and three temporal units of periodical consumption and production reduce.
Thus, the speed of CONSCIOUS Reflexes formation depends heavily of the depths Levels of memorizing. Here we can observe the decrease in speed of its work as the data preservation time reduces from internal levels towards external. Hence, the further lies a certain Memory Level from the organism, the less are temporal units describing the periodical saving of the Reflexes.
The same features (increase and decrease of specific units describing the preservation time) are inherent with multi-typed Memory organization, but in reversal order. I.e. the higher is the degree of Memory organization, the smaller are the values of temporal units of periodical reflexes saving, the lower is the degree of its organization, the more are they.
The quantitative parities of high-speed estimations of the CONSCIENCE ACTIVITY are depending on the temporary readout of the different biological systems of Alive.
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PRINCIPICS: Copyright (c) Author: Andrew L. Gerashchenko, 1984 - 2004.
Copyright (c) Translation: Sergey A. Kechkin, 2002 - 2004.
Reference to the Author's site is compulsory, if any part of this work is used.NEXT >>