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2.2.5 VERITY - NATURE - HUMAN BEING or the Cognitive Causative Factors for Questions and Answers.
The problem of finding the Verity is veiled with a whirlpool of multiple
in their variety Questions and Answers in which not only brilliant ideas, but even the
prominent careers of many scientists found their end. Let us try to arrange their
application in a certain order an save them from the destructive impact of devouring
elements. Previously proposed definition of the established REFLEX and its sensual charge
does not extend so as to encompass the processes of either Questions or Answers formation;
as it was established as an "outpost" where these processes are born and is in
itself only the satisfactory completed product of their previous activities.
With the "vector's" interpretation of a Reflex, the
"tops" emanation the QUESTIONS and the ANSWERS possess as their source
previously compiled and formed models of Knowledges or Data, on which basis both
Analytical and Synthetical processes of their creation are developing. That is why the
"point" at which the QUESTIONS are formed lies mostly within the sphere of
action of Analytical processes since the explorer must, firstly, create them inside
her-)self so as to display the more or less clear interest to the topic in concern. Thus,
relatively to the chosen "top of questioning" two of three analysing "vectors" will be directed and one synthesizing. Similar situation takes place
within the "point" where Answers are formed, where from three possible
"solving" processes two are synthesizing (See Fig. 9)
The mainstay of QUESTION and ANSWERS formation normally is a certain
integrally percepted or reproduced model which bases, in its turn, on refectory structures
of any evolutionarily gained Memory Types. Furthermore, this Model or Reflex went beyond
the stable conditions of their previous existence. Therefore this Model (or a Reflex)
launches the research process towards analysing existing and creating new models with more
satisfactory values of intelligence understanding, explaining and reclamation organization
of the Object being under Cognition.
It is well known that a Question may be imposed and the Answer may be
provided only subject to more complete awareness or to better organized popular knowledge
relatively to the essence of question. And if the Question is generated by the explorer's
organism, the self-generated reply will be directly dependent on individual ability to
upgraded reorganization of the available information concerning the matter of an Object
imposing a certain interest.
The proposed Model is designed so as to express the
processes of formation of the Questions and Answers by means of building a "vector's
pyramid" with a foundation represented by "vector processes" triangle
determined by closed sum of their analytical and synthesizing domination within the
"faces" of "ZERO-PRINCIPLE" which is defined by six original
Analysis and Synthesis processes forming a Reflex (See
Fig. 9)
When QUESTIONS are generated, this "vector's triangle" of processes consists of summarizing effects of:
1) prevailing periodical analysis of events coming from outside;
2) prevailing programmed analysis of events coming from outside;
3) prevailing constant synthesis of events coming from outside.And when the ANSWERS are generated - a cyclic sum of vector's interpretation of processes:
1) prevailing periodical synthesis of events coming from outside;
2) prevailing programmed synthesis of events coming from outside;;
3) prevailing constant analysis of outcoming events.
Following the Function symmetry and asymmetry principles existing within the structure of principle of preservation of informative and energetical Entropy within the REFLECTIONS we shall note, that the "vector-processes" of prevailing Analysis and Synthesis must keep the balance of symmetry in the categories' formation within the Structure and asymmetry of sensual contents within its Functions, i.e. the balance of quantity and quality within the data on orientation and correlation in the structurally and functionally conflicting "pyramids". (See Fig. 9)
At the stage of QUESTIONS formation the following processes take place:
1. Prevailing Constant Analysis of a material, being the result of the equalizing mutual activities between the available information and events being processed;
2. Prevailing Programmed Synthesis of a material, being the result of the equalizing mutual activities between the available information and events being processed;
3. Prevailing Periodical Analysis of a material, being the result of the equalizing mutual activities between the available information and events being processed;At the stage of ANSWERS formation - three more:
1. Prevailing Periodical Synthesis of a material being the result of the equalizing mutual activities between the available information and events being processed;
2. Prevailing Constant Synthesis of a material being the result of the equalizing mutual activities between the available information and events being processed;
3. Prevailing Programmed Analysis of a material being the result of the equalizing mutual activities between the available information and events being processed.All these processes are purposed to implement direct liaison and feedback with the initiate Models which is just vital to improve the accumulated information about the studied or explored Object. Further, applying the abbreviated characters we shall record the "pyramidal links" of QUESTIONING in "vector's equations".
Prev. (?)------------>
Prev. rcvd.------------>
Prev. (?)------------>
receivedANALYSIS of =
CNST. (A) +
PRDC.(S) Const events Prgrm.evnt. Prdc. evnt. Prgrm.evnt. of events of events
Prev. - prevailing;
Cnst. - constant;
Prgr. - programmed;
Prdc. - periodical;(?) - questioning;
(!) - answering;
(ANLS) - Analysis;
(SNTHS) - Synthesis;rcvd. - received;
trnsm. - transmitted;
data - data;
evnt. - events.
------------> Prev. (?)) |
------------> Prev. (?) |
------------> Prev. rcvd. |
------------> Prev. (?) |
------------> received |
------------> received |
PRGM. (A) | + |
PRDC.(A) |
Prdc. data | Cnst. data | Prgm. evnt. | Cnst. data | of events | of events | |||||
------------> Prev. (?) |
------------> Prev. (?) |
------------> Prev. rcvd. |
------------> Prev. (?) |
------------> received |
------------> received. |
CNST. (S) | + |
PRGM. (S) |
Prgm. data | Prdc. data | Cnst. evnt. | Prdc. data | of events | of events |
So, we have got some idea about the "vector" interpretation of three new built processes of imposing the questions. Now, to "lock up" the "QUESTIONS Pyramid" description we shall draw our attention to the formation process of so-called "resultless thinking", or, in other words, "idle" application of structural predisposition of Organism to cognition. (See Fig. 9)
Prev. rcvd. Prev. rcvd. Prev. rcvd. RECVD."00" = ANALYSIS
Prdc. evnt. Prgm. evnt. Cnst. evnt. ------------->
received= PRDC. (S) +
CNST. (A) +
PRGM. (A) +
PRDC. (A) +
CNST. (S) + PRGM. (S) events
events events events events events
Prev. trnsm. Prev. trnsm. Prev. trnsm. TRNSM."00"
Prdc. evnt. Prgm. evnt. Cnst. evnt. ------------>
transmitted= PRDC. (A) +
CNST. (S) +
PRGM. (S) +
PRDC. (S) +
CNST. (A) + PRGM. (A) events events events events events events
Here lies the secret of time and power waste of the "blinded"
explorers. All the above formulae are the "subconscious bases" of mutually
penetrating "Pyramids" of questions and answers. The processes acting within
them define the data presence or absence in the Memory reacting to the material of
processed Events percepted by Mind. In other words, if a reliable
"associative-questioning" or "associative-answering" link is not
established in our Conscience as these processes are implemented consistently advancing,
the attention will not concentrate on the informative Entropy of the relevant Events.
The same "basis" with the same sensual
charge of the objectives of "its purposes" exists within the "ANSWERS
Pyramid ". (See Fig. 9)
------------> Prev. (!) |
------------> Prev. (!) |
------------> Prev. trnsm. |
------------> Prev. (!) |
------------> transmitted |
------------> |
PRDC. (A) | + |
CNST. (S) |
Cnst. data | Prgm. data | Prdc. evnt. | Prgm. data | events | events |
------------> Prev. (!) |
------------> Prev. (!) |
------------> Prev. trnsm. |
------------> Prev. (!) |
------------> transmitted |
------------> |
PRGM. (S) | + |
PRDC. (S) |
Prdc. data | Cnst. data | Prgm. evnt. | Cnst. data | events | events |
------------> Prev. (!) |
------------> Prev. (!) |
------------> Prev. trnsm. |
------------> Prev. (!) |
------------> transmitted |
------------> |
CNST. (A) | + |
PRGM. (A) | | Prdc. data | Cnst. evnt. | Prdc. data | events | events |
If an adult persons shows the trend to output only Questions or only
Replies the surrounding persons get a b feeling that there is something wrong with
his (or her) brains, since such a manner causes only negative emotions among the
surrounding company. Such people are usually called "know-alls" or
"whyers", respectively. The distinct feature of both these categories is their
unfitness for creative work to solve non-standard problems, since they use mainly ready
stamps of models involving already created knowledge and trained habit to respond to the
uncertain situation with "immediate question" or with "immediate
answer". Majority of people operate both possibilities in a more or less balanced
manner, since each mentally sane person possesses the inherent predisposition to such an
optimal mode of work.
"Pyramidal structures" of the proposed QUESTIONS and ANSWER
formation model may work jointly and almost simultaneously especially as these structures
use the same "vector's interpretation" principle. Therefore we shall further
attempt to study the Working of yet another figure which is formed as a result of mutually
penetrating Pyramids crossings. This figure consists of eight triangle based pyramids
which form a right shaped "octahedron" being actually the CROSSING of two
initial "PYRAMIDS".
Looking a little back we shall remember
that any "vector"
involving the Periodical, Constant and Programmed Synthesis or Analysis carries also the
temporal transfers from the Data CERTAINTY at its beginning to Data UNCERTAINTY at the end
via the definition of the DECREPITLY and NOVELTY of the same Objects or associated
Phenomena. Here, as a consequence of functional mutual penetration of the Pyramidal
structures forming the Answers we have "crosspoints" of multi-variant
vector-processes of prevailing Synthesis or prevailing Analysis. In the middle lie the
opinions change about the relations between Past, Present and Future data about the
dominating and recessive features of the scrutinized Object.
So, all the "tips" of the obtained "octahedron" will
be the "contact points" of changing the judgements and ideas for all the
twin-crossing vector processes with analysis or synthesis prevailing. (See Fig. 9)
At the further stage our "octahedron" will determine the basis
CREATION, RUINING and SAVING, etc. taking place in Human activities.
The "Skeleton" basis of the "ZERO"-PRINCIPLE
is the interaction of the "edge" processes of Analysis and Synthesis. Only here
they acquire a halved dimensions of their "length" preserving, however, the same
direction and sensual charge of the "vector-processes" defining them. It is
noteworthy that the operating Regularity characteristics evaluation (i.e. the Constancy,
Programmability and Periodicity for the halved vectors of this octahedron depends on the
character of movement performed by the cognising THOUGHTS within the long road from
Practice to the Fact through Experiment, Theory and Hypothesis of the processed Object,
or, in reversal manner, from the Fact via Hypothesis, Theory, Experiment and, finally to
the Practice of ITS application. These exposures of the FIGURE to the effects of the
Cognition processes orientation are caused by "imaginary rotation" of the entire
modelled actions performed by the reflectory mainstay of the "ZERO"-PRINCIPLE
relatively to the axis of symmetry defined by already mentioned "Cognition
Core". (See Fig. 5)
RECEIVING: (P) --> (Ex) --> (Th) --> (Hy) --> (F) - @-> - Right-oriented rotation.
TRANSMITTING: (P) <-- (Ex) <-- (Th) <-- (Hy) <-- (F) - <- @ - Left-oriented rotation.
The retrieval of
vectorised characteristics of the temporal Regularity
of the Analysis and the Synthesis within the crossings of the "Pyramidal"
Questions and Answers allows to judge about the reflectory modelling, which links the
transit from Old Knowledges to New ones without prejudice to any EDGE orientation of
scientific Data about the explored Entropy of Objects processed by Cognition. Octahedronic
SHAPE of the "internal reflectory modelling" concentrates the internal part of
Cognition activities subjected to "ZERO"-PRINCIPLE. The loop formed by vectored
edges of this part of the Model represents the demonstration of analytical and
synthetical directions and temporal characteristics of parallel vector-processes preservation
principle. The sum obtained by adding of any adjacent couple of vector-defined edges
of this shape represents one of six combinatory possible "vector-processes"
linking directly six moments of objective defined replacement of the Old Knowledge by the
New ones.
All of the six "Direct Vector-Processes" are crossing under
the right angle relatively to each other in one point being the common centre for the
entire "ZERO-PRINCIPLE" model. All the axis and planar surfaces of the
structural symmetry and functional asymmetry of the simulated processes pass through this
Centre defining its meaning focused in the conception of a "pure theory". (See Fig. 9)
Sensual charge of the "direct vector-processes" in Analysis
and Synthesis is determined by the role played by Knowledges which through crossing of
their specifically organized reflexes establish links between the problematic
"points" of the most fierce disputes and judgements accompanying the replacement
of the FORMER interpretation of the Object with the NEW one.
Since the "edge vector-processes within the octahedron shape"
repeat the sensual charge of the halved defining vector-processes of the Analysis and
Synthesis domination depending on the imaginary rotation correlated to the prevailing
dominant of either Consumption, or Production of data relatively to general Cognition
process. It means that "minor" vector processes retain the QUALITIES of TEMPORAL
EVALUATION corresponding to their determinants of the relevant data at the transit stage
between the KNOWN and OLD, then to the NEW and further to a relative UNCERTAINTY of its
Sense (See Fig. 9)
By means of these interactions on the definitions of temporal
interpretation of events and information we shall distinct the qualities of temporal Data
evaluations obtained as a result of minor vector-processes which compose analysing and
synthesizing "cross-links" of events and data of the studied Objects.
Determining the equal degree in organization of sensual shades of the
LINK definition between the opposite "FACES" with PERIODICAL characteristic of
"ZERO"-PRINCIPLE philosophic tools application four "direct
vector-processes" are observed: two with CONSTANT Synthesis and two with the CONSTANT
Analysis of the processed material.
In the process of prevailing CONSUMPTION we deal with movement from (Practice) to (Fact) and imaginary clockwise rotation relatively to the "cognition core": (See Fig. 9)
@-> |
@-> ----------------------> Prev. rcvd. f.Pr. |
@-> ----------------------> Prev. rcvd. (!) pr.P. |
1.1 |
S Y N T H E S I S | = |
S Y N T H E S I S | + |
S Y N T H E S I S |
CNST. matrl. Pr.p. | CNST. evnt. Pr.p. | CNST. data Pr.p. |
@-> |
@-> ----------------------> Prev. rcvd. pr.P. |
@-> ----------------------> Prev. rcvd. (?) f.Pr. |
1.2 |
A N A L Y S I S | = |
A N A L Y S I S | + |
A N A L Y S I S |
CNST. matrl. Pr.p. | CNST. evnt. Pr.p. | CNST. data |
mtrl. - cognizable material
In the PRODUCTION process we deal with movement from (Fact) to (Practice) and imaginary counter-clockwise rotation relatively to the "cognition core": (See Fig. 9)
----------------------> Prev. trnsm. p.Pr. |
----------------------> Prev. trnsm. (?) pr.F. |
1.3 |
A N A L Y S I S | = |
A N A L Y S I S | + |
A N A L Y S I S |
CNST. matrl. | CNST. evnt. | CNST. data Pr.f. |
----------------------> Prev. trnsm. (!) pr.P. |
----------------------> Prev. trnsm. pr.F. |
1.4 |
S Y N T H E S I S | = |
S Y N T H E S I S | + |
S Y N T H E S I S |
CNST. matrl. | CNST. data | CNST. evnt. Pr.f. |
mtrl. - cognizable material
Writing this I cannot get rid of a question what the hell for all of it
is needed? Why to dig so deeply into the "granite rocks" of Science and
"jungles" psycho-philosophical problems? The reflexes formation processes
vector's strap is examined too thoroughly which is quite unacceptable for practical human
life. The speech gains formally unknown language for explanation predicting the
basics of Informative and Energetical COGNITION PROCESSES model. So, Who is interested in
the descriptions herein will be able to obtain further information from the illustrations
to ZERO-PRINCIPLE and who is not will not twist his brains over it. Some time passes,
another "crazy" will come and draw everything contained herein in mathematical
shapes. The next "wicked" will create the basics of physical and chemical
Cognition model. And the last "mindless" will try himself with the divine
dignity and invents a psycho-biological MACHINE of God knows which generation!
On this stage we shall try to satisfy ourselves with a brief summary of
what we have:
Direct rcvd. f.Pr.@->
Prev. rcvd. (!) pr.P.@->
Prev. rcvd. f.Pr.2.1
A N A L Y S I S =
A N A L Y S I S +
A N A L Y S I S PRGM. matrl. Pr.p. PRGM. data Pr.p. PRGM. evnt.
Direct rcvd. f.Pr.@->
Prev. rcvd. (?) pr.P.@->
Prev. rcvd.
S Y N T H E S I S =
S Y N T H E S I S +
S Y N T H E S I S PRGM. matrl. Pr.p. PRGM. data Pr.p. PRGM. evnt. f.Pr.
Direct trnsm. pr.F.<-@
Prev. trnsm. (?) p.Pr.<-@
Prev. trnsm. pr.F2.3
S Y N T H E S I S =
S Y N T H E S I S +
S Y N T H E S I S PRGM. matrl. PRGM. data PRGM. data Pr.f.
Direct trnsm. pr.F.<-@
Prev. trnsm. p.Pr.<-@
Prev. trnsm. (!) pr.F.2.4
A N A L Y S I S =
A N A L Y S I S +
A N A L Y S I S PRGM. matrl. PRGM. evnt. PRGM. data Pr.f.
mtrl. - cognizable material
Direct rcvd. f.Pr.@->
Prev. rcvd. pr.P.@->
Prev. rcvd. (?) f.Pr.3.1
A N A L Y S I S =
S Y N T H E S I S +
A N A L Y S I S PRDC. matrl. Pr.p. PRDC. evnt. Pr.p. PRDC. data
Direct rcvd. f.Pr.@->
Prev. rcvd. pr.P.@->
Prev. rcvd. (!) f.Pr.3.2
S Y N T H E S I S =
A N A L Y S I S +
S Y N T H E S I S PRDC. matrl. Pr.p. PRDC. evnt. Pr.p. PRDC. data
Direct trnsm. pr.F.<-@
Prev. trnsm. (!) p.Pr.<-@
Prev. trnsm. pr.F.3.3
S Y N T H E S I S =
S Y N T H E S I S +
A N A L Y S I S PRDC. matrl. PRDC. evnt. PRDC. data Pr.f.
Direct trnsm. pr.F.<-@
Prev. trnsm. (?) p.Pr.<-@
Prev. trnsm. pr.F.3.4
A N A L Y S I S =
A N A L Y S I S +
A N A L Y S I S PRDC. matrl. PRDC. evnt. PRDC. data Pr.f.
mtrl. - cognizable material
Apart from these halved Links of the fundamental vector-processes forming the Reflex, there are 12 more probable variants to implement "directly-analysing" and "directly-synthesizing" connections between the points of Accents changing from the Old Knowledges to the New Knowledge. However, here they are formed by means of equally altering Rotation of the acting structure of the simulated "skeleton" of analysing and synthesizing processes within "ZERO-PRINCIPLE". Here they are expressed by means of already existing abbreviated record.
Direct f.Pr.@->
Prev. trnsm. p.Pr.@->
Prev. rcvd. (!) f.Pr.4.1
A N A L Y S I S =
A N A L Y S I S +
S Y N T H E S I S PRGM. matrl. Pr.p. CNST. evnt. CNST. data
Direct f.Pr.@->
Prev. trnsm. (!) p.Pr.@->
Prev. rcvd. f.Pr.4.2
A N A L Y S I S =
S Y N T H E S I S +
A N A L Y S I S PRGM. matrl. Pr.p. CNST. evnt. CNST. data
Direct pr.F.<-@
Prev. trnsm.(?) p.Pr.<-@
Prev. rcvd. f.Pr.4.3
S Y N T H E S I S =
A N A L Y S I S +
S Y N T H E S I S PRGM. matrl. CNST. data CNST. data
Direct pr.F.<-@
Prev. trnsm. p.Pr.<-@
Prev. rcvd. (!) f.Pr.4.4
S Y N T H E S I S =
S Y N T H E S I S +
A N A L Y S I S PRGM. matrl. CNST. evnt. CNST. data
mtrl. - cognizable material
Direct pr.F.@->
Prev. rcvd. pr.P.@->
Prev. trnsm. (?) pr.F.5.1
A N A L Y S I S =
A N A L Y S I S +
A N A L Y S I S CNST. matrl. Pr.p. PRDC. evnt. Pr.p. PRDC. data
Direct pr.F.@->
Prev. rcvd. (?) pr.P.@->
Prev. trnsm. pr.F.5.2
A N A L Y S I S =
A N A L Y S I S +
A N A L Y S I S CNST. matrl. Pr.p. PRDC. data Pr.p. PRDC. evnt. Pr.f.
Direct pr.F.<-@
Prev. rcvd. (!) pr.P.<-@
Prev. trnsm. pr.F.5.3
S Y N T H E S I S =
S Y N T H E S I S +
S Y N T H E S I S CNST. matrl. Pr.p. PRDC. data Pr.p. PRDC. evnt. Pr.f.
Direct pr.F.<-@
Prev. rcvd. pr.P.<-@
Prev. trnsm. (!) pr.F.5.4
S Y N T H E S I S =
S Y N T H E S I S +
S Y N T H E S I S CNST. matrl. Pr.p. PRDC. evnt. Pr.p. PRDC. data Pr.f.
mtrl. - cognizable material
Direct pr.F.@->
Prev. rcvd. (?) pr.P.@->
Prev. trnsm. pr.F.6.1
A N A L Y S I S =
S Y N T H E S I S +
A N A L Y S I S PRDC. matrl. Pr.p. PRGM. data Pr.p. PRGM. evnt. Pr.f.
Direct pr.F.@->
Prev. rcvd. pr.P.@->
Prev. trnsm. (?) pr.F.6.2
A N A L Y S I S =
A N A L Y S I S +
S Y N T H E S I S PRDC. matrl. Pr.p. PRGM. evnt. Pr.p. PRGM. data Pr.f.
Direct pr.F.<-@
Prev. rcvd. pr.P.<-@
Prev. trnsm. (!) pr.F.6.3
S Y N T H E S I S =
S Y N T H E S I S +
A N A L Y S I S PRDC. matrl. Pr.p. PRGM. evnt. Pr.p. PRGM. data Pr.f.
Direct pr.F.<-@
Prev. rcvd. (?) pr.P.<-@
Prev. trnsm. pr.F.6.4
A N A L Y S I S =
A N A L Y S I S +
S Y N T H E S I S PRDC. matrl. Pr.p. PRGM. data Pr.p. PRGM. evnt. Pr.f. mtrl. - cognizable material
So, we provided 24 probable "LINKS" between the "points" of change OLD interpretations for NEW as the explorer's attention moves under temporal characteristics of various degrees of IDENTIFIED and UNIDENTIFIED processed Data about the Events within the Subject of Cognition being of current interest. First dozen of them repeat already known "vector-edges" of the cubistic interpretation of the functional structural formation of the cognitional Reflex. As already stated, these processes of direct Analysis and Synthesis run through common "DISCOVERIES INCUBATOR" symmetry CENTRE and completely duplify vectorised circuit of the six fundamental processes of achieving satisfactory knowledge of the researched Natural Objects. Furthermore, in this version of triple mutually perpendicular crossing these uniting processes consist of semi-vectors being "pyramidised in edges" and (or) "cubicised in edges" Analysis and Synthesis of the same characteristics of regularity in their actions. Such a feature of CONSTANCY, PROGRAMMATIVITY and PERIODICITY preservations of the processor's factors allows to define Dominant and Recessive correlations not only within their Sense, but also the Sensual charge of associated with them scientific means of systematized Knowledges fixed as categories in the philosophical "edges" of the ZERO-PRINCIPLE Model being under explanation. (See Fig. 9)
The remaining 12 Lines of Analysis and Synthesis which are defined by combination of CONSUMPTION and PRODUCTION processes work as those previously described processes of direct interactions. They repeat the six-edged circuit of the "vectors" forming the Cognition Reflex. But in this case of the advancing complication of Dominant and Recessive correlation takes place between the PERIODICAL, CONSTANT and PROGRAMMED factors of the ZERO-PRINCIPLE FACES. (See Fig. 9)
A brief summary of everything described above.
We have statically fixed all the possible versions of interactions between the analysing and synthesizing Vector-processes within the ZERO-PRINCIPLE functional structure and their various dependences arising from coupled comparative addition. Further, instead of summarised indexed consistence of the advancing application of the MODEL parts described above we shall draw, though apparently miscellaneous, conclusion about the Philosophically Reasonable level of systematized events movement interpretation.
Any processes within the Entropical image of Objects roughly interpreted similar to the LINE term in the Euclid's Geometry are unknown for the Nature. In reality all the Processes may be roughly imagined similarly to the BEAM, even curved since the REFLECTION PRINCIPLE, whatever multiple reflections of quality and quantity correlations it would be applied to, always is caused by the EMANATIONS SOURCE. Even if these phenomena are caused by cyclic processes their Reflections, being "geometrically abstracted" are expressed only as a sum of at least two processory interpreted "BEAMS". (See Fig. 9)
Such a radical reverse to the areas of fundament Theory of Object interactivity within the Nature is required to display deepened level of sensual understanding of PRINCIPAL UNITY of the Noospherical links between the Humans and the Worlds surrounding them: Space, Geosphere and Biosphere!
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(c) Author: Andrew L.
Gerashchenko E-mail, 1984 - 2005. |
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