P R I N C I P I C  Russion Version


     This Part of the book is designated to develop with the Reader an ability to MAKE SUMMARY of tremendous volumes of Information and to bring His (or Her) thinking to the actual advance of Modern progress of evolutionary and historical events. Lurking in the jungles of philosophic postulates and their multiple interpretations which are described here will not contribute to "geniality" or "talent" but will enable to find way in the routine of the massed "playing with words". The efforts applied to reasonable comprehension, whether it agrees or disagrees with the outlined, will benefit only to strengthen personal views of the individual on the surrounding world, inhabited by each of us. As for the establishing the Cosmic Memory Type in prospect, it depends on the achievements of Scientific and Technological Progress applied to the scholar education. Well, if you are not afraid and if You did not get bored with the foresaid, come on now!

"The simpler are prerequisites, the more various are the phenomena it links, the more extensive is the area of its application, the more impressive is the THEORY... "
(Non-literate translation from Albert Einstein )

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2.2.1. MATTER - COGNITION - IDEAL   or Philosophical Limits of Human Thought

     "As the highest perfection of human mind Philosophy is floating over our Sciences. Philosophy /love of wisdom - Greek /! And the TRIUNE DIALECTICS PRINCIPLE, lying in the complex precipitation shines for all parts of the World as a diamond tip:

- Unity and Struggle of Antipodes (and Adequacies, too);
- Measures of sufficient necessity in the Quantity-Quality transformations in any Systems developments
 (and vice versa in Quality-Quantity transformations);
- Rejection of Rejections with improved Repeating of already Repeated."

     These three integral parts of any process cannot be split from Their common simultaneous application. As a matter of fact, it is possible to pay more attention to EITHER of this TRIAD, but THEIR compulsory common ACTION can never be ignored. The TRINITY of THIS GREAT IDEA of Human mind may be clarified if the ever-existing REFLECTION principle is applied.

     1. Let us get started from the Dialectics (proceeding with discussion, dispute - Greek) as the philosophic "core", which radical principle lies in Comprehensive Link. It was reasonably scrutinized, and is being now, by means of the entire historically built system of categories and principles of Science. So, the Principle of ANTIPODES UNITY AND STRUGGLE may be considered in the context of REFLECTION principle, as follows.
     Any Reflection represents the result of Emanations effect, expressed as a "combination" of Absorbed and Over-Emanated Parts of Energies affecting an object which produce re-distribution of internal arrangements in the object. The processes of Absorption and Over-Emanation are always flowing in opposite directions and cannot exist separately, since the impact on the object is generated by a united massive of external Emanation. Here the quality characteristics of the Absorbed and Over-Emanated parts of affecting massive are homogenous in their essence, it may be said adequate, but the absorbed part is the one which is mostly compatible with the energetic and informative capabilities of the Object. It is where natural Unity of adequacies is expressed along with their Struggle for the "Absorbed" and "Over-Emanated" parts.
     Using this approach, extending the scope of Reflection processes sensual application, we get aware that the "dialectic core" is a correct sequence of the Reflection principle in the endlessly wide variety of the Principle of Natural Matter Movements.

     2.Quantity-Quality "Transfers" are   determined by a correlation MEASURE of the occurring processes of Absorption and Over-Emanation of external affections. Here the "Comparison" operation inherent to the Nature takes into account the extent of organization of the affecting Emanations and the "character" of alterations in the re-emanated part of Their common massive. In other words, informative (primarily qualitative) and energetic (primarily quantitative) Difference of the active Object - Environment System conditions. Here we meet two very interesting features of these "INTERFERENCES":

1) - the higher is the System organization level, the smaller is the energetic unit of the natural expenditures of an Object to receive and absorb the evolutionary accessible informations of various kinds, i.e. the speed of information perception of the Object is much greater than the speed of energetical absorption of the same massive of affecting Entropies;
2) - the higher is the conditional unit of the energy of the homogenous informativity of entropic affects received by an Object, the lower is the level of its organized activity within the given System, i.e. the speed of information absorption effected by an Object is less than its speed of energy absorption.

     Basing on the differences in the speed values of absorption (or over-emanation) of energetic and informative branches of the Environment Entropy affecting the Object we may formulate a criteria (mean for judgement - Latin) of Mutual Transfers between the quality and quantity characteristic of the processes flowing within the system.

Measure of sufficient necessity of a transfer from a certain value to a new (higher organized) quality may be represented with the condition where the Information Entropy processing speed exceeds the speed of Energetic characteristics processing speed; and the reversal transfer (to the less organized condition) is subject to the controversial correlation of the system processes work over same factors of the Environment entropic organization.

     3. The cognition aspect of Rejecting Rejections in the "tirade dialectics principle" is determined by a principle of Progressive (or Regressive) changes in Reflections organization. It depends on the degree of the quality-quantity experienced events Entropy  transformations operated within the System. In other words, each new repeating of the absorbed consistencies (and not only them) opens more bright areas of application of already acquired knowledge, giving up previously obeys taboos to spread given Data. Shortly speaking, "any new is well forgotten old"!

     After such an uncommon approach to the understanding the TOP Human Thinking one may feel a certain unconvenience. Is it possible to grip it without taking a deep breath and so boldly turn upright the traditional philosophic postulates? Just so, we grip it and boldly turn them upright since in the historic ages when these fundamental principles of worldoutlook were forming there were none of the brain-itching problems with informatics and the energy/entropic matters were thickly veiled with "imaginary wisdom of the Ancient East".
     Now, with the Nuclear Age we approached to the point where we are to change the stiffened measures of old understanding of our being on Earth for the consciented renewed mental activities not only in the peaceful existence policy, but in the global understanding of the Intelligent life in General!
     In pursue f this objective we now are to address to the far and close anciety heritage, to the definitions and categories of "Flesh", "Spirit" and "Mind", the objective sources of their origins are so far unknown to us for sure, but the consequences of their spreading are quite popular.
     "The Spirit may exist without Flesh !" - this saying is old as the world itself and is correct in essence! Don't get surprised, though it is hard to cognise and create without this feelings. This statement is perfectly just as the rewards of efforts applied by the reputable creators of Human Knowledge continue to live with us in our Culture, Science and even Technology; despite that the "Flesh" of those people is gone in the roundturns of substances in nature. And yet we shall stop on the human "Flesh", as the Spiritual and, furthermore, Mental cannot show themselves without It since the principles of Evolution are ruthless to the attempts to rip away from the experiences gained by Nature. Memory is merciless to vivid organisms and neither people, nor "gods" are not allowed to neglect Its forever established flow of events.
     As we previously outlined the mean human Coincidence comes out via the reflectory effects of Trajectory and Management Styles of Memory which in long-store depths of their resources are subject to functioning of four kinds of Social reflexes and one of Targetory-Management Kind of Individual genesis. The Mind encompasses five kinds of Management type and one kind of Management-Worldoutlooking character of Confessionary type reflexes. (Sea Fig. 2).
     Poor at the first sight characteristic of Consociate and a very vague hint about the origins of multi-Ego lead us to the essence - "The ability to percept and upgrade reasonable operation of entire integral Organism". By these means the Spirit of brand new human being, created as a result of  Genetic, Unconditional Conditional and Social "parental" base has the ability to observe the Organism reactions effects, inaccessible to It The results of Spiritual observation over these processes of varying Reflections organization are learned and memorized by means of prevailing nature of activities of the Subconscious (Genetic, Unconditional and Conditional Reflexes types) processes which accompany the observable Reflections within an individual Organism.
     The observations only are not enough to release and clarify the Subconscious, as the degree of reasonable organization of the Administrative and Worldoutlook reflections of the human organism is too high, and they flow at a such high speed (relatively to primary "Ego" feeling), that one begins to memorize the God and His almighty "Destiny Hand". Only conscious and reasonable overcoming of Fear in front of indefinite and unstable Spiritual Self-Feeling made the Human Being able to understand, to create and to express his over-conscious Spirituality in fruitful activities of its own "Flesh" since it is due to the Flesh the Subconsciety processes are formed in human mind.
     Thus, the "Spirit" is brought up within the human Flesh, which allows It to get released and to implement in Creative achievements already within the framework of modern Cognition!

     Meeting the rules of morphology the word "recognition" originates from more close to radical word "cognition".   However, in the formation of branches of science apparent reversal consistence is observed. With seeming words game, there is rather the game of their sense. At the first case we deal with the prevailing Synthetical usage of the morphologic principles, while at the second case there is prevailing analytical approach from the position of historical conception of development. So, nothing strange is in that the sensual "reflex" is linked and we shall memorize it for future. Long time ago in Russian language there was popular word which had sense "to be wise about something", which possessed the ability to unite the ideas expressed with both above words, since it encompassed the historical power of the passed tests of research potentials. Here we must get aware about the necessity to establish link between these conceptions, which being understood and realized in a proper way will create social Progress in Mental, Spiritual and Physical aspects of the human life.
     Cognition is the process of sensing the Information accessible to an Intelligent Organism about Its own reactions to previously unexperienced conditions of both internal and external World. This process leads the Organism to improvement of the Memory types existing within It by means of development  of the highest possessed level of Reflections organizations of affecting Entropy of multi-imaged Environments of its habitation.
     The knowledge is the result of passed and experienced by generations processes of interactions between human Mind and entropic nature of Its contacts with Nature in general. In other words the Knowledge is gained by means, firstly, tuition the results of well-tested achievements of human experience and then by means of acquired Data of applying this "stock" in the endless struggle between exploring Mind and Entropy of discovered "news" in Evolving World.
     We again met a "cycle": Cognition -Knowledge - Cognition -Knowledge, etc.. But what is prime,  "? Hen" or an "Egg"? This old Philosophic trick often confuses people. And the reply is simple: "Certainly, the "Hen", but not the modern hen with improved capacity to produce eggs, but its ancient ancestors which fed themselves with chalky molluscs shells and, consequently, provided their successors with "reliable" armour. By means of similar simple trip into "old times" one may state that the Cognition process from the point of view of its actions nature is prior to the Knowledge of newborn but inexperienced human child. But if we consider deep subconscious Human reflexes the previous point of view gets unstable. Since the embryo is backed up with deeply stored "knowledges" about the predisposition of its future organism to various principles of addictions and gifts from the parental tree. Regrettably, though maybe not, the postnatal period of life determined by social environment is able to bury forever the abilities to intelligent application of "unconscious ancestors heritage".
     We diverted a little, but still the primary nature of Cognition's processes in the form of tuition and compilation for our children cannot be rejected - otherwise otherwise they mill not gain Mind, and the undeveloped cognition with minimal natural implementation of the genetically placed "knowledges" will deprive them the ability to survive in general and bring them down to the level of widely known  "Mauglee phenomenon".

     All of us are in favour of peaceful life on our planet! What then prevents us to realize the necessity of bringing progressive changes in our life activities? Everything is simple and known long ago: Learn, Know and Use and again Learn and Create new Knowledge and Use again!

Now, summarizing the above:

Progressive Mental Reflection of the links between the Body and Its Habitation Environment is only possible by means of Cognising accumulation of new Knowledge of our Natural World.

     It is hard to speak about the tremendous quantity of possible versions in reflectory organization of Human memory. Our Organism possessing such a rich experience of Vivid Evolution masters the natural sphere (Noospheres) of its mental activities with great "troubles". Such is the modern stage of Human Sense. Since ancient times the philosophises argue about primary in existence of Mind or Matter; about the Ideal of common human essence (common origin). Well, maybe the Theory of Reflections failed to achieve success, maybe there was lack of scientific knowledge on the regular processes in Nature - let us leave these drawbacks and return to the "sins" of modern generation.
     Now about six billions of people settle the Earth - more than four billions are following certain religious principles and confessions. We have no moral right to condemn such a great majority, since we got out and grew from the historically established Culture with its principles defined with religious theories of various places and times. At present the reducing popularity of materialistic philosophy is apparent since it is hard to live under its principles and mastering its ABC is even more difficult - ideals become vague developing internal uncertainty which generates fear of "empty soul", etc. It means in total that by means of  well-tested and long-term system or religious comprehension of Nature life and administration is much more easier than while being in constant lurking through the shantytowns of the Creation. Here comes the common with people tendency "to follow the least resisting way". Power of Knowledge is commonly admitted and the Power off application of the cognition processes is only gaining popularity and we therefore aimed ourselves to arm people with well-built systems of Knowledge of Nature to enable them to stand the increasing Entropy of our Habitation Environment.

     What we are today calling the Life of people on Earth is determined by keeping stable ecology balances of the planetary evolving Nature. In view of dynamical development of "reasonable" human activities the major problem for the Terrain is to choose between life and death of plants, animals and landscapes of our "Habitation". First of all, we are people and, what is the main - still alive. Worthy to think over!  ?

     Nature, crying with savage cry had already repeatedly pushed our poor "Conscience" in the yawning gaps of irrational applications of the same. It is high time to draw to a conclusion that the "reasonable" human activities must always be determined through the conception of minimal breach between the Biosphere and Geosphere ecological balances, which are incredibly unique with the civilizations being at our level of development. These words are nicely formulated in their sense but without clear understanding of the basics of the evil neglection of this fundamental principle one cannot imagine the Future and stop the terrific processes of "innocent" self-destruction. 

     To avoid the extensive story about how we degenerated to these limits and found where we got, we shall say only that the main reason lies in Ideals of the Creative bringing up of the Culture and matching to it level of Knowledge tuition in the basics of information and energetic cycles in the Nature. Let us agree that the Human Mind got aware about rather broad variety of the principles of Movement . Even the one fundamental principle of the Reflection taken separately enables to avoid efficiently the inevitable progress of Entropy (i.e. closed systems' striving towards disorder), since the struggle with it construes the development and movement to perfection of the Humanity. This deed is only matched by "open systems" with highly organized Conscience of the progressive people on their modern stage who try to compensate somehow various effects of the "ecological side effect" of the Terns forming mentality. Yes, there are good achievements in knowledge, but it is rather hard to observe their useful application.

     Only the satisfactorily idealized system of bringing the "Opened Systems" to perfection may give a little hopeful results for the forthcoming generations. And only wide-scale arrangements made to preserve to maximum the balance of Vivid and Dead in Bio-Geospheres may provide chances to overcome the seemed chaos in World-Creation. These skills may be only mastered by people with good understanding of the unique nature of the "Spiritual Harmony of Living".

     Until recent times the religious theories did not put realistic tasks to preserved the "God Hands' Creatures" and often claimed to wait passively for the Doomsday. And the Religions possess historic traditions in gaining power and control not only over human Consociate, but over their Minds as well, therefore they may fruitfully contribute to gaining the solutions of these problems facilitating tremendously to the scientific advance and developments in rational management in our life

Now two actual as air Ideals are important for ALL:

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PRINCIPICS: Copyright (c) Author:  Andrew L. Gerashchenko, E-mail, 1984 - 2005.
Copyright (c) Translation:  Sergey A. Kechkin,  2002 - 2005.
Reference to the Author's site is compulsory, if any part of this work is used.