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2.2.6. NATURE - SPACE - UNIVERSE  or Future Generations' Language "Genetics".

     "What is Your opinion, or what is Your mental attitude to the religiously formatted content of such a common category as APOCALYPSE (Greek - "revelation") i.e. to using its sensual charge in the light of "forthcoming Doomsday"?
There cannot be any single judgement, but taking into consideration the dominating "religious" part of the total population of our planet over "atheists" it is quite possible to experience serious fears about the "collapse of Terrain civilization". Adding to this "fear of inevitable" current situation with environmental consequence of barbarous consumption of natural resources of Geosphere and Biosphere our Mind realizes that terrific, unbearable for a Human Being, existence over such a bondage of "inevitable" degeneration of the offsprings of the next, or maybe even current Age!"

     Looking into deeply buried roots of the problem imposed by superiority of seeming to us "Nonentity" over our Being life:

     "The more are discrepancies between the Conscious ideas and Mental activities and objective regulations of Evolutionary accumulated Memory FUND of Nature, the higher are the chances for self-destruction of the Organisms allotted with it and even more they are for those possessing it."
     "The chance for the Earth destruction is also high not only in the environmental aspect of bringing Geo- Bio- Noospheres, but also in the social and historical aspects of military and political confrontation of various nations. Usually these "fruits" grow on the soil of consciously relations between certain people, who cannot see the ways of Intelligent progress for the Terrain Civilization put up into national and governmental status".

     These are the "reasons", whilst not realized in masses, for the Fears' birth about the "Godlike predestination", which was implanted by the "prophecies" of very clever popularisers of primitivized "theosophies". If people approached carefully to studying various Holy Writs of both their own and other Religions, they would for sure get aware that neither treatment contained in any of the ancient "Creeds" does not provide for strict inevitability of the "Doomsday" predicted in their own content. Even the strongest and the most popular among them contain, though abstracted, but rather helpful explanation of the ways-out from arising critical situations at a certain stage of awaking Human Conscience. These "soul-saving speeches", as a rule, proclaim the ideals of Good, Fraternity, Justice, i.e. towards advanced development levels in the Life organization for the benefit of their Offsprings. The regress towards the "Dark World" of Ignorance, Lie and Evil is always prosecuted at the Doomsday and is punished by means of tortures in "Hell for Sinners". Almost all the Doctrines put into foundation of serious Religions confirm by the tutory significance in their history that the regulating factors of both creative and destructive Human activities were realized by human Mind, possessing the experiences of previous generations as long, as "only God knows" ago. Hopefully, these pioneers of humanism whose sincerity is beyond any doubts undertook their efforts to forewarn their successors with maximum efficiency from possible errors in developing common and individual Conscience towards "megalomania".
     In Old Ages and nowadays, however, too - the emotion of Fear is the most efficient mean to make someone to obey circumstances. It is based on the self-preservation instincts, which, in their turn, are basing on genetically defined reproductivity reflexes, i.e. this reaction of an Organism was the most reliable and sensually fitted for governing large masses of people. Then this became insufficient since the progress of Human Conscience was and is now proceeding through evolutionary ways towards its perfection, constantly compelling those wishing to obtain benefits from others' labour to seek more sophisticated means of curbing and direction the powers of Conscience of more or less intelligent beings who still fail to realize true sense of knowledges left from ancestors.
     Thus, the most perverted facility to govern human Will became originally noble and progressive "Confession principle" with its genuine predestination lies in the processes of defining aims in Cognising the Nature to research and apply the data about Terrain Life development gained by the Mind.
     Good knowledge of History and the provisions of the most popular Religions in our Civilization allows not only to develop own Mind, but also to restore inherent formed predisposition of own Organisms to proper ways of Society improvement.


     To understand the "IMPOSED QUESTION" we shall turn to another philosophical dilemma: "What was the prime, "the Matter" or "the Conscience"?" We shall dare to state that the sensual charge in the "Matter" category is much deeper in its extent of idealized summery of Natural Movement Systems than the sensual charge imposed in the "Conscience" definition. This statements expressly defines the priority of applying the Matter term in the processes of comprehension of Natural Entity and Nonentity. "Stumbling blocks" of this "exclusive clauses" problem are broken into dust easily enough. Historical research of the linguistic establishment of the validly percepted definition of informative basis of these Old terms shows the perversion of their original essence due to inattentive or low scientific awareness of the people who operated these Categories. We shall try to translate their perception into summarizing way of expanded interpretation of the informational comprehension of the Intelligent Life processes, which will lead our Conscience to the abstract outlining of the borders within which their Temporal governing activity may be applied.

     That's where lies the compromise solution for contradictions of clumsily antagonized senses of "modern" perception of the "Entity" and "Nonentity" categories. The "Former" has comparatively higher prevailing of sensual shades of the Events informative significance with dominating Past and Present; and the "Latter" is defined by prevailing probability shades of informative significance of the forthcoming Present and Future times.
At this rate, the mathematic sense of such a fundamental definition as an "EVENT" may be widely expressed via the Entropical definition of Energetical and Informational characteristics of multi-imaged Movement of objectivised Matter.

     If a simplified approach is undertaken to evaluate the relations existing between the terms of ENTITY and NONENTITY they may find another explanation if linked to our Life:

     "Prior we did not apply organizing powers of Our Cognition to something "Unexplored" the systems of Movement of this "Unexplored" may be treated as "NONENTITY", but the very mentioning about the spheres of its Entropy possible influence spontaneously transfers energetical and informational characteristics of Its Movements into the "space" of sensual charge of the ENTITY term."

     We used the principles of biological regulations in transmitting the genetically determined hereditary characteristics, discovered and formulated by Gregor Mendel, Chechen monk, to solve a lot of problems in modern philosophy. He also established fundamental principles of Dominating and Recessive features which were also used by us to improve the objectivity and validity of the developed ideas.
     Basic provisions of the forthcoming discussions we summarized as the INFORMATIVITY HEIRDOM PRINCIPLES for the sensual links when generating the DEFINITIONS of Natural Phenomena interactions.
     We shall get started from introducing two axiomatic obvious provisions. The processes of versatile but integrally definite understanding of any Word include search for dominating and recessive parts of its historically shaper Sense. Furthermore, the dominative part of a sensual informativity expressed by means of this Word is usually percepted in link to the Present interpretation and the recessive to the Past and Future interpretations.

So, the first  principle of heirdom in the informational and sensual charges in Words Combinations.
This is PRINCIPLE OF UNIFORMITY of informative comprehension of sensual data contents in "hybrids" of the FIRST GENERATION. 
That is, when linking together the Informative value of two Words in the first breed of understanding  their integral sense value the preservation of the Dominant feature definitive significance of either of the "parental" input words.

Now, the second heirdom principle:
Supposing, that in compliance with the first principle of uniform heirdom of sensual Dominants the initial definition of chosen words are possessing informativity contained in them which can be differentiated only by one features, that is, for instance the words being combined in their first composition will give prevailing a Dominant feature with hidden presence of informational content of a Recessive feature. If on the basis of these "hybrids" in the first generation new definitions are further jointly reproduced ("cross-bred"), the secondary sensual charges of the new-formed words combinations will display data shades of both Dominant and Recessive informativity of the "parental" initial sense in 3:1 proportion.

In other words, with linked informativity of two Words sensual charge at the second generation of comprehending the informative content of their aggregated sense four versions of combinations will appear with three of them bearing the Dominant feature informativity and one bearing the Recessive informativity contained in initial senses of original interpretation of the pre-parental words.

     Further we shall impose a hypothesis of the historical "purity" of sensual parental "cells" represented by root words. We shall suppose that any sensual shade of the word's meaning forms under the influence of naturally defined factors with their interactions resulting in historically initial Definition of a particular Word. This Definition will determine the Dominant and Recessive features of the sensual application of the Word in question. For the convenience sake we shall highlight with capital letters the words possessing dominant feature of sensual charge and those with recessive we shall show in lower shift words.
     Evolutionary prime Sense of a random word is generated under the impact of two fundamental factors. One of them is affected by the perception processes of external massifs when processing informational and energetic entropy of natural habitation environments (let's say the Mother-Environment) and the other by the processes of handling and understanding these perceptions by means of responding reactions of the human organism with further allocation of the results of this reactions by means of briefly interpreted imitation of the actual features of experienced events (let's call it Father-Creator). Thus, in general process of historical emergence of a Word there are two factors possessing equal rights - the NATURE and the ORGANISM. Here in majority of the cases "Father-Creator" contributes Dominant feature of informativity into the perceptive interpretation of the experienced events, and the "Mother-Environment" provides the Recessive share. They jointly form a reflex of social kind useful for life and activity of a certain Organism which is fixed by a Word in symbolically understandable form.
     To evaluate the introduced ideas more clearly and to get a more or less free orientation about the proposed principles of morphology we shall impose a number of new from the linguistics point of view interpretations of well familiar words, which identify categorical sense of main definitions in the Genetics.

Vocabulary "GENOTYPE" /from Greek   - origin, + - print/
- represents the evolutionary consistence of understandable display of informational and energetical characteristics of any Word in sensual practical application of the meant Entropy of formerly experienced events.

Vocabulary "PHENOTYPE" /from Greek- discover, +  print/
- represents the commonly accepted informativity of the accessible understanding of informative and energetical Entropy of the sensual charge born within any Word;
- it is a socially established evaluation of Entropical borders encompassed with common understanding of informational and energetic significance of a particular Word within the processes of formation its sensual individuality (reliability).

Vocabulary "GAMETE" /from Greek- spouse ( "parental roots" )/
- means the "genetic" roots of Sense present in the words which are able, while retaining the historically- shaped (old) informativity, to produce renewed processed "offsprings" with evolutionarily advanced unprecedent informativity of Entropy of encompassed events.

"The category possessing less global in a Sense of verbally outlined informationality of its application always Dominates, since it stays closer to practical human vital activities, i.e. is easier to understand and more rapid to be implemented in the Mental labour activities".

"The Sense of words with philosophically immense area of encompassed informativity of their application always bear the Recessive features which enable to define with less details, but theoretically soundly, the Entropy of the encompassed data, i.e. are harder to understand and seldom in application.

     On the stage of formation of the first generation of the "new" definitions the combinatory mixing (reduction) of informationality of the initial sense of "parental" sources takes place. But among the new formed definitions of these offsprings only one of two "genetic roots" Dominates which under the first hereditary principle may be resented in the schematic version of "monohybrid cross-breeding" explanation:


 female (CC)  male (ss)
|   | |   |

PRNTS  "Phenotype": :

- CATEGORY -   - sense -
"Gamete":    (C) env.   +   (C) org.   (s) env.   +   (s) org.
|   | |   |
( ( F1)   "GENOTYPE":  (Cs) env.  (Cs) org.  (Cs) env. (Cs) org.
  "Phenotype": CATEGORY 
of any 
of any 
of any 
of any 

     To discover a forthcoming regulatory factor it is of great importance to note an interesting principle of dependence of analysing and synthesizing directions in understanding the informational and sensual links relatively to the consistence of application of singular and plural forms of words with possible versions in their associated understanding.
     Analysing or Synthesizing direction of the processes of understanding the Words Combinations depends on the order of application numerically plural and numerically singular forms of the verbal informativity of definitions of which they are formed.

Probable Versions of Actions of this Regulation:

1)  using the plural form with the words with Informativity Dominant feature and singular form with the words with Recessive feature of the same, the process of understanding the words combinations acquires the splitting and analysing characteristics in its activities orientation ;
2)  with the reversal consistence of using these forms of numerical expressions of the initial Informationality features - the splitting synthesizing characteristics should be observed;
3)  using only plural form with words possessing both Dominant and Recessive features of Informationality the process of understanding their combinations acquires the aggregating analysing orientation;
4)  using only singular forms with the vocabulary Informativity of the "suppressing" and "retreating" features the process acquires the aggregating synthesizing orientation.

     From the scheme below it is obvious that in random combinations of initial "genetic roots" the resulting informativity of the word combination has functionally equisignificant and structurally identical forms of its expression. But if the informational and sensual "gamete" for the next "offspring" are selected to form new words combinations from the "first breed", half of them will bear the informativity of the Dominant feature and other two - of the Recessive one. Taking into account equal probabilities of combination the informational and sensual "gamete" of the first generation we can trace the new perception for informationality of the word combinations in the second generation.

"Genotype": female (Cs) environmental masculine (Cs) organizational
F1  "Phenotype":  CATEGORY
of any sense 
from env.
of any sense 
from org.
"Gamete":   (C) env.  +    (s) env.    (C) org.    +   (s) org. 
|   | |   |
"Genotype":  (CC) 
org.+ env. 
org.+ env.
org.+ env.
env.+ org.
F2  "Phenotype": Org. 
of Env.
of sens 
of Env.
of sens 
 of Org.
of sens 
 of Org.

     This scheme obviously displays that in the second generation of the process of formation of the definitive informationality within the words combinations results into new correlation of informative senses possessing the Dominant and the Recessive features, which may be interpreted, as follows: Under estimation of sensual charge we have 1DD : 2 Dr : 1 rr, and under the definitive expression of summarizing significance of these word combinations they display 3 : 1 correlation, i.e. three less global definitions per one comprehensive global definition. This regulation forces us to introduce a further set of reviewed genetical definitions.

"HOMO... /from Greek - equal, mutual/ - a part of complicated words meaning: resembling, identical, belonging to the same something." /S.E.D./

"HETERO... /from Greek- different/ - a part of complicated words meaning "other" and corresponding to "different"." /S.E.D./

"ZYGOTE /from Greek- joined together/ - fertilized ovum, zygotic cell, formed among the animals and plants as a result of male and female fusion elementary cells; initial stage of embryo development." /S.E.D./

     Words producing in combinations of those similar to them (in the extent of summarizing the informational sense) a homogenous, i.e. unsplittable in definition into dominant and recessive, informativity - may be defined as HOMOZYGOTED, i.e. equisignificant in their sensual interpretation. The word combinations formed by means of such words contain in their informatively initial systems equal in their rights sensual "genetic roots", in other words, the assigned informationalities with either dominant, or with only recessive characteristics of their features.
     The words which, under the same conditions of combination,   produce a sensual splitting of informationality of the dominant and recessive features of their sense lying in "genetic roots" during the process of new definitions formation, may be defined as HEREROZYGOTTED, or multisemantical. They contain different informatively assigned form of "genetically" initial sense.
     In our above case the offsprings of the first generation dominant and recessive features of processed polygamy form two kinds of "gamete".
     Sometimes the words combinations in the first generation don't display a complete domination of informational charge of the "parental" sensual features and the definitions of this feature bear intermediate characteristics. Such a heirdom of "initial" features of a verbal informativity feature will be defined as an intermediate or incomplete domination. In such a case the second generation of both sensual and categorical splitting in words combinations is expressed by means of identical correlations 1DD : 2Dr : 1rr for informationality of the "genetically" initial senses and by means of 1SS : 2Sl and 1LL for "Small" and "large" degrees of categorical significance of informative understanding of the obtained combinations.
     Now we shall proceed to outlining principles of heirdom for two and more features of sensual categories of informationality provided by either of the "parents". Similarly to the structure of the experiments made by G. Mendel we shall carry on a "Bihybride Cross-Breeding" where the "homozygoted patents" differ from each other in two features of informational and sensual multisemy. In the first generation they will preserve in full the dominant sense of initial categories' informativity. After mutual cross-breeding of the "genetically initial Gamete" of the first generation definitions, the second generation displays four versions of new separated forms of expression of further more outfield informationality of thee initial word which emerged during the experiencing of the events in human vital activity taken place long ago. Thus, we obtain two forms resembling in their initial sense each of the "parents" and further two with associated sensual informativity of the parental words. Hence, under the Dihybride Cross-Breeding of the sensual informationality and categorical informativity we shall observe separately determined equally probable heirdom of the "parental" distinct features.

     Quantitative review of all the multi-version combinations of newly formed words combinations' informationality of the second generation shows that the "dihybride cross-breeding" splits into two "monohybrid" branches, proceeding independently from each other. This splitting of initial words of categorical significance under the dominant feature of their sensual informativity and in the extent of their global significance is expressed in the following correlation of the combinatory "phenotypes" (perceptions): 9 : 3 : 3 : 1 or ((3 : 1) * (3 : 1)). This character of succession of the definitive sense shall be determined as a Free Heirdom Principle or the Principle of Independent Distribution of informationality of the "genetically initial" senses of combinations of the new understanding of parental words informativity. In other words - the Principle of Correct Morphology in categorical links.

     Free succession of features represents a great significance for scientific Thoughts evolution, as it construes a source of combinatory alteration and variety of activities for both Mind and Conscience of living organisms. This independent succession of sensual characteristics is valid only for those informational features of words combinations sensual entropy, the "genetic roots" of which were in various "soils" of their understanding formation. They are the reasons for open-end developments in the modern processes of Human Cognition of Nature.
     Any word which possesses a categorical significance has a minor number of versions of its perception and dozens thousands of abstract or particular sensual interpretations. Consequently the question arises: "How the verbal definitions will be inherited in respect of informational and energetical features contained in categorical entropy of philosophical terms, the "genetical roots" of which lie in a particular, scientifically defined category?"
     The reply on this question in essence was quoted by Mr. T. Morgan, American scientist, who did not, however, spread the cognitional power of his discovery to the areas of philosophical activities of Human Mind. So, the essence of the principle discovered by him is, as below:

"Historically built informativities of "Genetically Initial" Sense of any philosophical categories being compiled and focused within single category form a "linking group" and are jointly inherited under the scheme of "monohybrid cross-breeding".

     This provision may be defined as the Principle of definitional binding of theoretically-compiled stockpile of informativity  of sensual interpretation of words possessing the categorical significance of informational and energetical aggregation of Eventual Entropy of processes encompassed by them. Each word applying for assigning a categorical value of its informative significance has a strictly defined number of "genetically initial groups" of sensual adhesion, which complies to its "haploid" (ordinary) set of lexically fixed interpretations, which are subject to full experience history of their joined applications.
     Notwithstanding the validity of this Principle the adhesion is never absolute. Given the word combination of the first generation and a word with blazing recessive features in its informationality (i.e. multisemantical in the global nature of its meanings) words combination is possible understanding of which unites the "genetically initial" informativity of sensual features contained in "parental" words. All the other cases result into dominant emergency matching to sensual "genotype" of either of "parents". This phenomenon draws us closely to a conclusion about the probability of certain parts of sensual informationality, previously fixed within a particular version of understanding (in a "chromosome") to cross-interfere.
     As a result, the penetration of a certain part of "parental" informational Entropy appears to be a feature inherent to various "homological" (monosemantic) definitions and gets into various "Gamete" of new interpretations of entropical informationality of "genetically initial" sense of formed words combinations. Such a partial exchange of informational entropy of sensual charge with these words combinations leads to restructurisation of consistencies in historically formed adhesion of initial informativity of words, forming these combinations and is one of sources of combinatorial changes in definitions.
     In the above description of regulatory factors in informational heirdom of verbal entropy it was meant that one modification of sensual "genetic root" determined an outcome for only one definitive feature of verbal informativity. However, it is obvious that the development of this feature is subject, as a rule, to interactivities of "genetically initial" senses in historical development of originally selected words. Such new formations in the definitive informativity increase the probabilities for favourable combinations of informative sense of valuable features in informational and entropical events determined by a word to display.
     It is often noticeable that the same "genetically initial" sense simultaneously affects of forming several informationally understandable features. This phenomenon may be defined as a multiple effect of entropical informativity of sensual "genetic root". Taking into consideration the variety of cases of informational entropy in "genetic roots" multiple effect enables to draw to a conclusion: The formation of any defining feature is determined by multiple "genomes" (as a total by the entire historically built "genotype" of a word) and each "genetic root" is able to affect a number of defining features, or, to be more exact, the development of entire encompassed space of informational and energetical entropy of the processes defined by a particular word.

     Consequently, the sensual "genotype" of a word does not represent a mechanical informativity aggregation of the compiled sense, but a historically built system of "genetic roots" with structural interactivities affected by informational and energetical particulars of entropy generated by multiple events accompanying processes of morphological evolution.

     The words in Russian language, as a considerable majority of other languages possess three kinds of similarisation to living beings: male, female and neutral. Such a classification developed under the principle of verbal sensual characteristics to the characters of male and female human activities throughout the entire process of their coexistence. In other words, words belonging to either kind bear a historically formed feature in their sensual charge, which accompanied efforts applied by male or female beings or by them in common in their struggle for survival, which was identified by means of a particular word as the information of any experienced event. At the process where the human mind at its dawn met various natural phenomena situations   are rather common which are hard to correlate with either of existing "sex" if being described and defined. The perception and understanding of the phenomena relevant to those events combine the features inherent to both kinds or eliminate any indications of their activities at all. Under such circumstances the words of Neutral gender formed. Informative features of these "agamic" words begin to gain their applicable force at the modern stage of revolution in science and technology, but as the historical development of language was always linked to common life and activities of male and female beings, the morphological principles remained intact even for words in which "sexual" features of sensual informationality are excluded.
     Probably, at the dawn of Human speech formation the words were formed using two genders only - male and female. Therefore we shall pay special attention here to these processes of "genetic roots" informativity heirdom with verbal senses in order to establish and to develop their new understanding.
     So-called "Sexual" gender of any word may be characterized by a number of informatively comprehensive features defined by sensual shades of individual "genetic roots" which are stacked in "chromosome"-like summarized features of understanding of this word. With "heterosexual" words the Categorical ("chromosomal") set of sensual informationality within "genetic roots" of male and female gender is not identical. They are reflectory identifiable by only one "couple" of their interpretations. Supposing, the first element of this "couple" has its formation sources in external Environment and the second - in organic abilities to summarize sense of informative and energetical results of human interactions with the environment of human habitation. Scientific principles of the Genetics prove that the female mammalian possess the same genital chromosomes producing one type of gamete and the males - different chromosomes producing two type of gamete, i.e. the formers are homozygotic and the latter are heterozygotic. Applying these data one may define the regulating factors for heirdom of genders in the processes creating new definitions while reviewing previous informativity of original words.
     Sensual "gamete", as they are, (i.e. the words-generating parts of integral processes of Organic fixings of informational and energetic characteristic of previously active Entropy of experienced Events) don't possess the "sexual feature" in themselves. They are genderly indefinite, and  are commonly assigned the Neutral gender. Therefore the thought as a fruit of Human mentality bringing its intelligent activity to these levels of finely milled cognition of various processes often faced and is facing now the problem: "Which word can be assigned to define this independent on Conscience and possessing none "genderical" priority Phenomenon?" That is why, to our opinion the terms of Neutral gender were formed, re currently forming and will further form, possessing maximum informativity about the Entropy of the Events which they define.
     Subsequently, when the observations of the interactivity processes in Nature (let us call it the natural philosophy of primeval community) were buried under religious systems of mass-satisfactory All-Explanation the search for the "sexual" inherence to solve the emerging uncertainties lost its progressive sense and returned back to primitivized classification of words subject to their relative belonging to male or female origins. It was quite sufficient to explain social conflicts within Human Mind, developing at that historical stage.

At present time the most common regulating factors of genetic variations of sensual understanding of newly formed words being of categorical significance represent the utmost interest for the world-creating Science of Future!

There are two kinds of definitional variation: "modificative" (bringing alterations into sensual charge) è "mutative" (altering the consistence of radical sense perception).

The difference between the former and the latter is in the fact that various definitions ("phenotypes") of any particular word form under the influence of historically established consistence of its sensual charges and objective Environment conditions surrounding the emergence of the "genotype" of this word. The informational consistence of sensual data in such modification more or less preserves thee initial meaning of the given word. 

The second type of of variety characterizes the jump-like but heirdomly stable modifications in sensual charges informativity of new meanings of previously known words. These replacing jumps in historical consistence of "genetically initial" parts of informational sense of the newly formed meaning appear suddenly and encompass various features and properties of the informationality defined by a particular word. They may be useful, noxious and indifferent for this word.

     So, the modificative variety is defined in such a way, that given identical informativity of sensual "genotype" concentrated within the same word, subject to different conditions of its application the definitive informativity of the features, born by this word may be different. The scope of definitive variation of "this kind" are based on determinations of qualitative variability of the informative charges within the new feature depending on conditions of its application. Different in perception informationality features of a particular multi-semantic word have unequal "norm of verbal reaction".
     The norm of verbal reaction is determined by the verbal "genotype", therefore it is not a feature which is inherited, but an ability to form a definite "phenotype" of this word which displays under certain circumstances within the scope of its application. The availability of the most efficiency in application allows to adapt the understanding of sensual charge of a particular word to altering environmental conditions and to form the own offsprings, in other words: to "breed" the offspring understanding of combinatory variations.
     Due to the Nature of Human perfection people are liable to apply the knowledges about adequacy of certain informativity of understanding certain words to obtain a higher productivity of application of variable judgements, i.e. to create optimal conditions for their correct forming and development.
     Mutations in informative and sensual charges accompanying the process of percepting words emerging during the verbal communication between people without involvement of the verbal informationality of a particular language may be defined as NATURAL. That is, when Human Mind faces a certain unknown previously phenomenon, necessity arises to define it in some way verbally. In this view an associatively reflectory form of interpretation for the Events accompanying the phenomenon in question is thought out and expressed verbally. Sometimes the words are chosen from ancient languages (mainly Greek or Latin) with informational "genotype" more or less matching the informational nature of the phenomenon concerned with new meaning assigned to them, sometimes there are cases of creative birth of radically new words, such as "robot", "racket", "glucks", "hacker", etc.
     Mutations in informationally sensual charge in definitions, caused by specialized effect of already created and practically tested sources of scientific informativity of native language may be referred to as ARTIFICIAL. Subject to inherent shades of informational alterations within the historical evolution of sensual contents in words the entire MUTATIONS may be classified into INFORMATIONALLY SENSUAL ("genetic"), INFORMATIVELY UNDERSTANDABLE ("chromosomatic") and MORPHOLOGICAL (forming the understanding of previously unexpressed informationality within the mind-processed Events Entropy).

Let us study them in consistence:

     1. Mutations are most frequently display in the consistencies of historically developing sense ("genetically initial"). They are caused by replacement, falling out or addition of certain informational features within the existing "genotype" to compulsory links with historically built consistencies in "genetical stock" of apparent informativity displays within a particular word. Any of three reasons leads to amendments in "genetic type" of informatively-sensual charge "phenotypic" display with a particular word, which, in its turn, affects the definitive informativity of the word. Thus, the alteration in informativity of initially distinct feature occurs, which frequently ends with the preachment of understanding of this word, then with preachment of its sense and with the preachment of the word itself which falls out from the language. However, due to available reserve of immutable limits of variety with its informational sense the associatively new versions of application of its interpretative informativity are established.

     2. "chromosomatic" mutation in sensual content of words, related with alterations in structurally born informativity of their definitions or with alterations in  number of informatively different understandings of the same word or its combinations with other words.

     a). Structural mutations of informative charge of verbal definitions are emerging as a result of loss, duplication, reversal interpretations (antonyms) or of change in particular parts of contained informativity. Most of structural mutations are noxious for words and lead to decrease in efficiency of their application. Exception is only attributable to transfer of certain informativity areas from one definition within individual word to its another definition, which leads to previously unavailable versions of informationally rational links or to creation of words and their combinations with new properties which are essentially important for evolution in the scientific cognition and selection of most advantageous forms to express any previously unknown Natural processes.
     b) Mutations determined by alterations in a number of different understandings of sensual informationality of a particular word (synonyms) may be classified into two categories. In the Genetics.  Mutations they are defined as POLYPHETAL (multi-variants but identical in meaning) and GETEROPHETAL (multi-variants and different in meaning). The first type of such mutations is characterized with multiple increase or decrease in number of different understandings of a particular words being compulsory equal in level of informational summarization in its applications; and the second is characterized by means of exceeding or lacking informative summarization using a certain definition of informatively similar couple of appreciation of a particular word.

     3. Verbal mutations accompanying the complex words formation process take place due to complete restructurisation of rational perception of informationality of the Events defined, i.e. due to rational alteration of the informative levels of summarization of the accumulated data in the processes of Organic thinking. As a result of such processes within the Conscience the sensual ("genotypes") and definitional ("phenotypes") characteristics of words get changed according to selection and acceptance of informational and energetical summarization unit for a sensual charge specified by this word.

     Prominent Russian and Soviet scientist N. I. Vavilov discovered a HOMOLOGICAL SEQUENCE PRINCIPLE for genetic variations. To apply this Principle to the morphological processes of Categorical significance this PRINCIPLE must be interpreted in the following version of principal interpretation:

"The words of categorical significance lying close in respect of historically formed system of sensual informationality in their "genetic roots" were characterized by means of "phenotypically" resembling sequences of heirdom variety in understanding their informativity.

     The reason of "homological" (similar to each other) mutations in verbal informativity with understanding meaning of words is their sensual "genotypes" common origin. This Principle establishes the PARALLELISM principle in processes of variety of informational understanding "relative" words. It allows to predict an existence of informatively definite understanding of common features within different words of same root provided that other words belonging to the   same "family" already possess the informative understanding of this feature.
     Links between scientific Genetics and Evolution of Living Organisms was established by Soviet scientist S. S. Chetverikov. He succeeded to prove that elementary initial processes of the Natural Evolution of Living begin with the populations. Natural populations in our area of study are the words and languages applied within a certain branch of science with relatively understandable homogeneity of their application possess very different informational and sensual structures and are full of a tremendous quantities of hidden mutations which form the creative reserved potential of heirdom variety in their understandings.
     "Genetical" structure of verbal linguistic population is defined as a correlation of various "genotypes" and "allele genetical roots" (which mutually define themselves from the informative point of view). In biological genetics these matters were dealt with by Mr. Hardy, British mathematical and Herr Weinberg, German therapist. They came to a conclusion that under idealized conditions of large enough population existence with none mutations present, absence of "international" migration and selection the correlation of genotypes and allele genomes is constant within all the generations! This regulation may be successfully spread applying it also to the morphological principles and creation of new languages of Science which is essential for establishing new Definition and understanding the nature of processed Phenomena.
     Hardy and Weinberg proposed a formula which allows to determine the genotypes (for our case they are represented by historically built sequence of verbal sense informationality) and allele (informationally defining each other) genomes (informationality of sensual origins) correlation within ideal population (any particular language of Science) by means of their phenotypes (definitions informativity in our interpretation) evaluation.

p*p AA + 2*p*q Aa + q aa = 1

p - frequency of dominant informationality display for a "genetic root" (A);
q - frequency of recessive informationality display for a "genetic root" (a).

     This formula may provide a standard for quantitative evaluation of evolutionary changes within a verbal population in any language.

     Now we shall finalize the basic provision in Cognition processes flow.

Reserve of genetic variation in Definitions of scientific cognitional language is formed by means of operating regulations of informationally sensual mutations generated under multisemantical understanding of verbal components forming this language.

     And, in order to finalize such extended but very superficial encompassing of linguistically search for foundation of formation and development of the informativity in words of any language we shall draw some summarizing conclusions. 

     Dominant mutations emerge seldom, display immediately and undergo selection. Recessive mutations in heterozygotic. status don't display "phenotypically", taking part in "cross-breeding" feed up the "genetic fund of the population" forming new "genotypes".

     "Genetic fund" in any language feeds also from "genetical" flows (migration of words from other languages) bringing informationally new shades to the sense of the "genetical roots". They, like mutations, taking part in cross-breeding of words at the first stage exist in hidden state (heterozygotic).

     Reserves in genetic varieties are represented with combinations which are united into unique, historically dependent chain of information processing which allows to dispose harmlessly unnecessary mutations. Accumulating in language, or, to be more exact, in words of a language the hidden mutations transform into "homozygotic" (generally monosemantic) state, being completely recessive. An only after this they display in renewed understandable shape ("phenotypically"). Under the permanent conditions the stabilizing selection eliminates them as non-matching the application environment conditions. Under variable conditions of "hybrids" existence, however, under the influence of advancing selection the reserves of genetic varieties allow the language population to adapt to the new environment conditions of processed objects.

     The larger is the sensual "genetic type" in words within any particular language, the wider is informational norm of verbal reaction of the defined feature in identified natural phenomena, i.e. higher is the chance to survive in the changing conditions of application environment and more is the possibility to reflect new habitation spheres for rational ideas of Human Mind.

     Many of the thoughts expressed above may be applied also to phonetical and alphabetical principles of writing and shaping words. But the priority here is for astrological secrets kept in Ancient World Religions and to open them up at the modern stage of development is equal to bringing brain to a suicide. Having used all the above basic Genetics we attempted to lie a primary foundation to create integrally new system of review long known categories not only in the Philosophy, but other sciences as well. By means of what we did it, what are our motivations? We write about it!

A "Torch" in nonentity and "Searchlight" in Entity may only be construed by principles of scientifically realized DATA SELECTION, i.e. the science to highlight new unknown before and upgrading the existing methods of searching for Knowledge about the regulatory factors in development of natural processes.  

Otherwise, What does not Move is Doomed to Die!

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PRINCIPICS: Copyright (c) Author:  Andrew L. Gerashchenko, E-mail, 1984 - 2005.
Copyright (c) Translation:  Sergey A. Kechkin,  2002 - 2005.
Reference to the Author's site is compulsory, if any part of this work is used.