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2.1.4   INFORMATION and ENERGY or multiple displays of natural Entropy

     "At present from natural science emerged such branches as a less known Energoentropics and rather popular Informatics. The former in its attempts to describe various processes in nature and techno-fundamentally operates such terms as "Energy" and "Entropy", while the latter uses with the same purposes the "Information" and "Entropy" terms. Both of them justly, but, unfortunately, radically separately deploy the scope of their Rules and Postulates on the entire world of life and death. ENERGOENTROPICS, in its attempts to idealize the "cosmic-originated" characteristics of natural phenomena by means of thermodynamic summary tends to interpret the general pattern of the processes within Universe mostly physically; while the INFORMATICS shows trend to apply the same processes mostly within social sphere, but already from the idealized heights of the "Non-Hand-Made Order" of World Regulations."

     People who had got modern education mostly really on the explanations of the phenomena unknown to them from the Energetic and Informational positions rather than on philosophic "tales" about the "higher matters" of the Reflection processes. Such a situation most likely can be justified by enhanced possibilities to apply these sciences in practice. However, the philosophically balanced "Entropy" (Greek meaning - "contained in transformation") term meaning is thus missed as well as the similarity of the mathematical mechanism of explanation of its functional inherent features.
     Let's try to solve the compatibility problem arising with ENERGOENTROPICS and INFORMATICS by means of defining the "Sensual load" of the main categories of these sciences. First of all, the particular definitions of the scrutinized terms are outlined.

ENERGY - is a general, cognately-discreet (i.e. independent on direction) MEASURE of HOMOGENEITY of MOVEMENT in Time and in Space; the primary characteristic of quantitatively-organized producing ability of the Reflection Processes running in the natural Objects.

INFORMATION - is a general cognately-vector-oriented  (i.e. depending on direction) MEASURE of MOVEMENT RATIONALIZATION in Time and Space - primary value of qualitatively-organized producing ability of the Reflection Processes running in the natural Objects.

ENERGETIC ENTROPY - is a MEASURE of UNCERTAINTY of the ENERGIES DISPERSION, their "Shadow", which has such a sense, that the more energy losses accompany the Systematic processing of the affecting Environment Emanations, the quicker is the increase of MOVEMENT HETEROGENEITY VALUE of the relevant System.

INFORMATIC ENTROPY - is a MEASURE of UNCERTAINTY of the INFORMATION SPREADING, their "Shadow", which has such a sense, that the more information is lost while Systematic processing of the affecting Environment Emanations, the higher is the increase of MOVEMENT DISORDERS VALUE of the relevant System.

     Summarizing the two last definitions we suggest:

To treat the ENTROPY category as the IDENTIFIED MEASURE of UNCERTAINTY of DISPERSION and SPREADING of SYSTEM MOVEMENTS in Nature, i.e. as a MEASURE OF UNCERTAINTY of the LOSSES in  and NON-REGULATED MOVEMENTS within the Environment of random EMANATIONS transecting by Objects.

     These are those sensory loadings of the new understanding of Energy, Information and their common Entropy which will be used in further discussions. From now on the Informational or Energetic characteristics of the latter will be determined in the strict dependence on PREVAILING processes of Analytical or Synthetical cognition approach used by people. The PREVAILING ANALYSING actions of the researchers better define the Entropy Evaluation of the Energetic Parameter under Exploration; while the Prevailing Synthesis - the Entropy Evaluation in the Information Aspect.

     Now it is possible to outline the Energoentropics Principles in conjunction with Informatics Principles:

or the Principle of Energy and Information Preservation
Neither SYSTEM of REFLECTION processes can exist without consuming Energy and Information of the external impacts, which are the Source of Preservation and Alteration of its Workability Organization.

or the Principle of Energy and Information Loss.
Entropy of closed (for external impacts) Reflections System strives towards decrease of the degree of its organization due to the internal loss (dispersion) of the Homogeneity of inherently movements.

or the Principle of the Increase of Energy and Information.
Entropy of the Opened Reflection System strives towards the increase of the internal order of its organization by means of coping the variety of non-system emanations while spreading the homogeneity of inherent movements.

or the Principle of the Evolution of Energies and Informations.
Any System of Natural Reflections achieves the evolutionary established limits of Regularity of Homogenous Distribution of movements consumed and spread by it.

or the Principle of Evolutionary Competition
Among the entire variety of the Systems of Natural Reflections the Prevailing Development is the one which under homogenous totality of conditions in which it exists achieves higher degree of organization of the movements both consumed and spread by it.

Under THESE PRINCIPALS the Memory of random object determines stable conditions of the Systematic Reflections with processing Energies and Information of Entropy image of the Natural Environments of its Existence.

(Go to the next Sixth PRINCIPLE)

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PRINCIPICS: Copyright (c) Author:  Andrew L. Gerashchenko, 1984 - 2004.
Copyright (c) Translation:  Sergey A. Kechkin,  2002 - 2004.
Reference to the Author's site is compulsory, if any part of this work is used.